Brethren Voices
Brethren Voices  – Whats a Mutual Kumquat

Brethren Voices – Whats a Mutual Kumquat

Mutual Kumquat is widely known in Brethren circles as an inspirational group of musicians who are known for their creativity. According to Shawn Kirchner, a Los Angeles Composer, Singer and Pianist - "Mutual Kumquat has an abundance of all the ingredients that make a great band. They have song writing talent with lyrics that challenge, inspire, amuse and touch your heart as well as melodies that leave you humming."

Brethren Voices  –  Heroin Deaths – Save At Least One Person

Brethren Voices – Heroin Deaths – Save At Least One Person

On a Saturday morning in January 2014, police came to their door and informed Ken that their daughter, Elizabeth Kline Smeltzer had unintentionally overdosed and died. She was nearly 22 years old and had been an occasional user of heroin. "Lizzie" had previously completed a month-long residential drug treatment program.

Brethren Voices – Christmas – An Alternative Way

Brethren Voices takes a look at two Brethren related programs that give individuals a chance to advocate for social justice, work for peace, serve human needs and care for the creation in a variety of settings in the United States and other countries.

Brethren Voices – Poet Kim Stafford

Brethren Voices – Poet Kim Stafford

William Stafford died in August 1993, but, his son, Kim Stafford has continued to assist his father’s publishing efforts. “Brethren Voices” Host, Brent Carlson meets with the son of the Oregon Poet Laureate, to learn the secrets of William Stafford.

Brethren Voices  – Retirement Proactive Planning

Brethren Voices – Retirement Proactive Planning

When it comes to retirement planning, to often people just think about the money that is needed for retirement. Another thing that needs to be planned is the place where the person will be living and the care that might be needed.

Brethren Voices  Episode: BV 15-04 – “In-Touch”

Brethren Voices Episode: BV 15-04 – “In-Touch”

Cross Keys Village - The Brethren Home Community of New Oxford, PA began as “a handful of “old folks in a large farm house” in 1908. It was an attempt of 16 congregations of Southern Pennsylvania to care for the aging Brethren members who lacked the financial resources or family support to care for themselves.

Brethren Voices – One Voice – Making A Difference Near And Far

Brethren Voices – One Voice – Making A Difference Near And Far

“God called this creation, “Good, we’re just about to call it Gone,” states David Radcliff, Director of the New Community Project. The goal of the New Community Project is pretty big, “to change the World by the way we relate to this planet. It’s likely to change one person at a time. Unfortunately, it’s going to take some speedy action if we’re going to save Earth from all of us humans. “We’re all in this together,” David exclaims.

Brethren Voices – 1950’s Integration of Maryville College

Brethren Voices – 1950’s Integration of Maryville College

This edition of "Brethren Voices" features Lee Byrd, resident of Cross Keys Village - The Brethren Home Community, New Oxford, PA and his story about the integration of Maryville College, Maryville, Tennessee. Lee compliments his story by singing, "They Will Know We Are Christians By Our Love."

Brethren Voices – Biking

Brethren Voices – Biking

From the Atlantic to the Pacific, two young ladies found that the biking across country was "terrific". Beginning on May 1, the two cyclists of "BVS Coast to Coast" were greeted by the waters of the Pacific Ocean, 110 days later on Monday, August 18 at Cannon Beach, Oregon.