The DNA of the News

DNA of the News – Solidade Laboratory SPA – Aug 1 2022

Two professionals, one Italian and the other Bolivian work to strengthen prisons from the inside out. They focus on restoring broken families while one or both parents are incarcerated. In the past, some parents lived with their children inside the prison.

DNA of the News – Satellite Technology ENG – July 27 2022

Technology has made it possible for satellites in the shape of small cubes measuring 10 cm (about 4”) per side and weighing 1 Kg or 2.2lbs to orbit the earth and other planets. They perform many of the duties of their conventional satellites at less than 2% of the cost. Small countries, private enterprises, and universities worldwide are players in space exploration. We tell the story.

DNA of the News – Columbus 1st voyage – July 11 2022

There is ample evidence that the Vikings and end even the Chinese first landed in America. However, this new theory talks about a secret voyage by explorer Columbus to the new world in 1485. A Spanish researcher tells the story.

DNA of the News – Tactical weapons in the Russian-Ukrainian – July 7 2022

Russia retains around 2000 nuclear tactical weapons. President Putin indicated in February of 2022 that these weapons could be used as his military columns moved into Ukrainian territory. Later, Kremlin’s spokesperson Sergeyevich refused to rule out their use in this conflict. How feasible is this to happen as Russia continues its protracted war?

DNA of the News – Warfare in the 21st Century ENG – June 28 2022

Technology has allowed waging warfare with armies facing each other on the battleground and cyber attacking their enemies’ infrastructures and way of life, often without using traditional weapons. The war is not less lethal, to the contrary select targeting is impacting civilian populations as never envisioned scant years ago.

DNA of the News –  global vault of seeds – May 23 2022

DNA of the News – global vault of seeds – May 23 2022

In Svalbard, Norway, a giant vault contains more than 1 million packets of plant seeds from 249 different places across the world. This vault designed to last 500 years is located near the North Pole; it contains a world collection that preserves about 15 thousand years of the history of agriculture, aiming to deflect food insecurity on the planet.

DNA of the News –  Americas Travel Challenge SPA – May 16 2022

DNA of the News – Americas Travel Challenge SPA – May 16 2022

Today, we will travel through the paths of the Americas' history. Some events remain unknown through the centuries, and others are documented testimonies of the courage of men and women of a distant past. These are stories about which we generally know very little.

DNA of the News – Nuclear Weapons and Russia – Apr 25 2022

DNA of the News – Nuclear Weapons and Russia – Apr 25 2022

How possible is the use of tactical nuclear weapons at present? In February 2022, the world heard President Vladimir Putin, after nuclear exercises, announce that anyone who tried to stand in his way would face the consequences as he had never seen in his entire history. Is it feasible?

DNA of the News – Warfare in the 21st Century – Apr 18 2022

DNA of the News – Warfare in the 21st Century – Apr 18 2022

The convergence of new technologies and warfare has generated innovative strategies and weapons. War is not less lethal; rather the opposite. The traditional geographical battlefields have expanded to neutralize national structures, banking, and intelligent missiles, to mention a few. A NATO adviser explains.

DNA of the News – Micro Satellites Democratize Outer Space – Apr 11 2022

DNA of the News – Micro Satellites Democratize Outer Space – Apr 11 2022

echnology has made it possible for satellites in the shape of small cubes measuring 10 cm (about 4”) per side and weighing 1 Kg or 2.2lbs to orbit the earth and other planets. They perform many of the duties of their conventional satellites at less than 2% of the cost. Private enterprises and universities worldwide are now players in space exploration. This is the story.

DNA of the News – Puppies Behind Bars – Apr 6 2022

DNA of the News – Puppies Behind Bars – Apr 6 2022

We speak with an organization that uses puppies to rehabilitate inmates incarcerated in high-security prisons; the puppies become trained canines and join police units, first responders, and assist those with disabilities.

DNA of the News – Canada dealing with a deep wound – Mar 27 2022

DNA of the News – Canada dealing with a deep wound – Mar 27 2022

An estimated 150,000 indigenous children in Canada were forced to attend government-funded boarding schools run by religious institutions, and this lasted for more than a century until 1996. Girls and boys from 4 to 16 years old lived against their will in these educational establishments separated from their families. Many in Canada see it as cultural genocide.

DNA of the News – China from the Inside Out – Mar 4 2022

DNA of the News – China from the Inside Out – Mar 4 2022

The fundamental premise is that almost everything we know about China today is wrong because we see it with the eyes of our experiences of emerging powers and because of our naivety that we are facing a normal international readjustment process.

DNA of the News – Touch America and Europe – Feb 26 2022

DNA of the News – Touch America and Europe – Feb 26 2022

There is a fissure in the submerged tectonic plates supporting the continents. The shortest distance between America and Europe is reduced from 2833 miles to 6 feet, and people worldwide go to this point to experience touching both continents simultaneously.

DNA of the News – Immigration to the US a pending matter ENG

DNA of the News – Immigration to the US a pending matter ENG

Immigration is a hot topic of discussion generally in electoral periods. However, the US Congress has not passed significant immigration legislation on the matter since 1986. Meanwhile, millions of lives are on stand-by, pending a lasting solution.