Tai Chi
Tai Chi i- 2 Spring

Tai Chi i- 2 Spring

A series of Tai Chi shows filmed in Belfast, Maine for the seasons (Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring, Mud) of the year.

Tai Chi Alpacas

Tai Chi Alpacas

David Hurley is amongst a herd of Alpacas in this spring program. Dave teaches introductory Tai Chi. The sounds of a spring meadow are augmented with Hawk Henries Native American flute.

Tai Chi – Blizzard

Tai Chi – Blizzard

Ah Winter in Maine! This episode was recorded during a blizzard. Yes that snow is real a special effect. If you can do Tai Chi during a Maine blizzard, you can do it anytime.

Tai Chi: Sheep

Tai Chi: Sheep

Belfast Community Television presents Tai Chi through the seasons.