Prescription for Justice
Prescription for Justice – Ignorance Pseudoscience and Democracy

Prescription for Justice – Ignorance Pseudoscience and Democracy

This program explores the nature of pseudoscience and ignorance in the United States. I describe the characteristics of pseudoscience and how to spot fake news. I focus on health care, the environment, and threats to democracy. I define the characteristics of pseudoscience, common unscientific beliefs, and the roles played by education, religion, corporations, lobbyists, journalists, and politicians viz a viz informing/misinforming the general public. Pseudoscience and ignorance constitute...

Prescription for Justice –  Lead Poisoning and Corporate Malfeasance Pt 2

Prescription for Justice – Lead Poisoning and Corporate Malfeasance Pt 2

These episodes cover the history of lead poisoning, how industry covered up the dangers of lead in paint and gasoline in order to amass enormous profits, the role of historians in helping us to understand public health crises and in contributing to public health policies; the health, environmental, and economic consequences of lead poisoning in the United States and worldwide; the role of screening and the unfortunately limited role of treatment as one gets older; the differential effects of...

Prescription for Justice – Lead Poisoning and Corporate Malfeasance Pt 1

Prescription for Justice – Lead Poisoning and Corporate Malfeasance Pt 1

Guest David Rosner, PhD, MPH, Ronald H. Lauterstein Professor of Sociomedical Sciences and Co-Director of the Center for the History & Ethics of Public Health at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health, member of the National Academy of Sciences' National Academy of Medicine, and author of many books on occupational disease, epidemics and public health, including Deceit and Denial - The Deadly Politics of Industrial Pollution and Lead Wars

Prescription of Justice – Climate Change-Causes Costs Consequences

Prescription of Justice – Climate Change-Causes Costs Consequences

This episode reviews the evidence for the ecologically-disastrous human-caused global warming occurring since the advent of industrialization; the health, environmental, and economic consequences of global warming; weather extremes, rising sea levels, changing patterns of infectious diseases, and species loss; climate change denialism, aided and abetted by the public relations strategy of the fossil fuel industry (which has enormous political clout); the harmful policies of the Trump...

Prescription for Justice – Donald Trump is Mentally Unfit to be President

Prescription for Justice – Donald Trump is Mentally Unfit to be President

This episode features Bandy X Lee, MD, MDiv, forensic psychiatrist, internationally recognized expert on violence, member of the faculty of Yale School of Medicine’s Law and Psychiatry Division, consultant to the UN and WHO, co-founder and director of the World Mental Health Coalition, and editor of The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump (New York, 2017, Thomas Dunne Books, St Martin’s Press). Dr. Lee describes how a group of concerned psychiatrists came together to organize a conference and then...

Prescription for Justice – Immigration History etc Pt 2

Prescription for Justice – Immigration History etc Pt 2

This second of two episodes build on Episodes 11 (Immigration and Philosophy) and 19 (Undocumented immigrants and kidney transplants: an inspiring story). Dr Anderson shares his experiences as a doctor working in Latin America, visiting the southern border wall, and caring for undocumented immigrants incarcerated by Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Our discussion covers the epidemiology of U.S. immigration, historical responses by the U.S. government to various waves of immigration, how US...

Prescription for Justice – Immigration History Imperialism–Pt 1

Prescription for Justice – Immigration History Imperialism–Pt 1

This episode builds on Episodes 11 (Immigration and Philosophy) and 19 (Undocumented immigrants and kidney transplants: an inspiring story). Dr Anderson shares his experiences as a doctor working in Latin America, visiting the southern border wall, and caring for undocumented immigrants incarcerated by Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Our discussion covers the epidemiology of U.S. immigration, historical responses by the U.S. government to various waves of immigration, how US imperialism...

Prescription for Justice – Undocumented Immigrants and Kidney Transplants

Prescription for Justice – Undocumented Immigrants and Kidney Transplants

This episode presents background on undocumented immigrants and counters common myths. I discuss how immigrants pay a variety of taxes, without being eligible for government benefits, and how their health care contributions heavily subsidize Medicare’s Trust Fund. I then discuss the issue of kidney transplants for undocumented immigrants with medical student Kristen Pallock, an award-winning activist who helped create a program and pass legislation in Illinois to allow undocumented immigrants...

Prescription for Justice – The Unhealthy State of the US Health Care System  PART 2

Prescription for Justice – The Unhealthy State of the US Health Care System PART 2

While widely regarded for its scientific and technological advances, the U.S. health care system ranks 37th in the world, giving us the poorest health among all rich nations, even though we are number one in health care spending. Even with ObamaCare, 28 million Americans lack health insurance, which results in a shocking 29,000 deaths per year. Our fragmented, expensive health care system, characterized by health insurance and pharmaceutical industry malfeasance and administrative bloat, is...

Prescription for Justice – Teaching Social Justice pt2

Episodes covers the topic, Teaching Social Justice. Brazilian educator Paulo Freire wrote, “Education either functions as an instrument which is used to facilitate integration of the younger generation into the logic of the present system and bring about conformity OR it becomes the practice of freedom, the means by which men and women deal critically and creatively with reality and discover how to participate in the transformation of their world.” My guest Hyung Nam studied political...

Perscription for Justice – Teaching Social Justice

Perscription for Justice – Teaching Social Justice

Episodes 13 and 14 cover the topic, Teaching Social Justice. Brazilian educator Paulo Freire wrote, “Education either functions as an instrument which is used to facilitate integration of the younger generation into the logic of the present system and bring about conformity OR it becomes the practice of freedom, the means by which men and women deal critically and creatively with reality and discover how to participate in the transformation of their world.” My guest Hyung Nam studied political...

Prescription for Justice – Howl – Ecological Destruction Endangered Species and Wolves

This episode of Prescription for Justice, is entitled “Howl: Ecological Destruction, Endangered Species, and Wolves.” The episode provides an overview of ecological destruction and endangered species, including up to date statistics, from our current mass extinction, along with a brief history of the Endangered Species Act . After an overview of these topics, my guest Danielle Moser, Wildlife Coordinator at Oregon Wild, joins me to talk specifically about wolves: how they are perceived,...

Prescription for Justice – Immigration Ethics and Philosophy

America is a nation founded by immigrants, exiles escaping religious persecution and fleeing violence and poverty. This episode covers the nature of humans as migratory species; the history immigration and nation states; and US immigration, especially myths about immigrants and the economy, immigration policies under Presidents Obama and Trump, Dreamers, DACA, and family separations. The latter phenomenon, a national disgrace, has resulted in widespread international condemnation and weakened...

Women In Science

Throughout history women have been marginalized and had limited opportunities for formal academic learning and achievement in science. Today, women hold less than ¼ of the jobs in science, technology, engineering, and math. They often are paid less than men of similar accomplishments and suffer verbal and sexual harassment in academia and industry. And yet, thanks to mentoring, evolving federal policies to limit gender discrimination, and the “Me Too” movement, that is beginning to change....

Prescription for Justice – Corporate Personhood

Prescription for Justice – Corporate Personhood

This episode begins with a primer on the nature and scope of corporations including corporate profits/taxation/political influence/crime. My guest David Delk (Chair of the Oregon Progressive Party and national Co-Chair of the Alliance for Democracy) and I discuss the history of so-called “corporate personhood,” from colonial times to the present, covering significant Supreme Court decisions, the overwhelming influence of corporate money on politics, and the campaign for a 28th Amendment to the...

Prescription for Justice –  Complicit

Prescription for Justice – Complicit

This episode calls out those who are complicit in the disastrous presidency of Donald Trump, from evangelical Christians (comparing Trump’s actions to Christ’s words in the Bible), to members of the two main political parties, to the press, to uninvolved citizens. It discusses how while many think America is a great nation, in many ways it is not. It describes the ways in which concerned citizens can oppose Trump’s assault on democracy, diplomacy, health, and the environment, and suggests how...

Prescription for Justice – Contemporary Labor Issues

This episode will focus on the work force and will address wages, benefits, sick leave, retirement savings and wealth inequalities. We will also discuss the decline in union membership over the last 60 years, along with ongoing threats to labor's voice in the workplace. My guest Will Layng (Executive Director of Portland Jobs with Justice) and I will talk about current labor struggles.

Prescription for Justice – Gun Violence The War Against Ourselves

The number of Americans killed by firearms since 1968, including suicides, homicides, and accidental shootings, is 1.4 million, more than the 1.2 million killed in all the wars involving our country from the Revolutionary War to the present. In this episode Dr. Martin Donohoe will talk about the epidemic of gun violence in America, the surprising history of the National Rifle Association, and the need for sensible gun legislation.

Prescription for Justice – Housing and Homelessness

This episode begins with a brief history of housing policy and homelessness in the United States and how poor living conditions effect our health and wellbeing. Our guest Allison McIntosh, Deputy Director of Policy and Communications at Neighborhood Partnerships, will discuss current issues in local and national housing policy, renter’s rights, and how Trump administration measures affect affordable housing programs.

Prescription for Justice – Nuclear Weapons and the Campaign to Abolish Them

Prescription for Justice – Nuclear Weapons and the Campaign to Abolish Them

This episode begins with brief history of the instruments of war leading up to a discussion of the health and environmental consequences of nuclear weapons. Our guest Chuck Johnson, Nuclear Power Program Director at Oregon Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR), will discuss the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize winning International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons and the United Nations’ Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.

Prescription for Justice – Reproductive Rights for Women

Talk show originating in Portland, Oregon with host Dr. Martin Donohoe. Martin is a physician-educator-activist and textbook author who addresses varied topics related to creating more just and healthy communities and a better world. Subjects include education, race, environment, human rights, food justice, criminal justice system, women’s rights, war and peace, etc.