Open Mic Poetry
E.K. Keith and Anna Booth open mic poetry TV

E.K. Keith and Anna Booth open mic poetry TV

This is San Francisco Open Mic Poetry Podcast TV. Today we have on E.K. Keith and Anna Booth. E.K. Keith does a lot of work on the Annual April Poem Dome Celebration in San Francisco with Diamond Dave, etc. and Anna Booth is the main person who runs the Pacifica Poetry Festival every Year south of San Francisco.

Open Mic Poetry – March 2013 Turchin Benedict

This is John Rhodes and Clara Hsu and This is San Francisco Open Mic Poetry Podcast TV. Today we have on Gary Turchin and Alex Benedict. Gary Turchin is both a serious and humorous poet. Alex Benedict generally writes Japanese style poetry.

Open Mic Poetry – Feb 2013  Joyce and Richard

Open Mic Poetry – Feb 2013 Joyce and Richard

This is John Rhodes & Clara Hsu, and this is the San Francisco Open Mic Poetry Podcast TV Show. Joyce and Richard are most well known for their 34 year collaboration on creating Poetry Flash Magazine and many reading series and poetry and book award programs.

Open Mic Poetry – Ivan Arguelles

Open Mic Poetry – Ivan Arguelles

We have Ivan Arguelles on who was born a twin of a Mexican Artist father named Enrique. His mother was named Ethel Meyers Arguelles. Ivan’s twin brother is named Jose. Early on in Ivan’s life, in the 11th grade, Ivan received a national award for one of his poems, which I imagine helped inspire him. In the 60’s he continued to write sporadically experimenting with prose, sort of after the style of James Joyce and William Burroughs. In the 70’s he tried much harder at writing, and developed...

Open Mic Poetry – Ken Saffran Selene Steese

Open Mic Poetry – Ken Saffran Selene Steese

Ken Saffran has poems published in the Haight Ashbury Literary Journal, Bay Area Poets Seasonal Review and upcoming in Ambush and Nerve Cowboy.Selene is co-host of her own reading series, Oakland S.O.U.P., which happens every first and third Thursday, and is a very prolific writer.

Open Mic Poetry_Ormerod_Lyon_Mackey_Mel

Open Mic Poetry_Ormerod_Lyon_Mackey_Mel

This is John Rhodes San Francisco Open Mic Poetry Podcast TV co-hosted by Clara Hsu. On my segment I have a clip of 3 poets from the Bird and Beckett Bookstore in San Francisco. These poets are Jane Ormerod, Brant Lyon, and Mary Mackey. Jane and Brant are part of Uphook Press and live in the New York area. Jane reads extensively all over the world often with other poets from Uphook Press.

Open Mic Poetry – Ed Mycue

Open Mic Poetry – Ed Mycue

San Francisco poet Edward Mycue was born in Niagara Falls, New York, and raised in Texas from age eleven. He has been a Teaching Fellow at North Texas State, a Lowell Fellow at Boston University, a WGBH-TV Boston intern, a Macdowell Colony Fellow, a Peace Corps teacher in Ghana; spent three wanderyears in Europe--a shipyard in Rotterdam, wine, vegetable, chestnut harvests in southern France, teaching about American literature in Denmark, delivering refrigerators and washing machines in the...

Open Mic Poetry – 24 Doreen Stock

Open Mic Poetry – 24 Doreen Stock

Doreen Stock, a bay area poetess/writer, has been exploring creative writing for 30 years plus . Her first book of poetry was: “Politics of Splendor”, Alcatraz Editions, published in Santa Cruz in 1984. It contains some of her works, and translations she did of the works of Marina Tsvetaeva and Anna Akhmatova. Recently she has been published in some Marin Poetry Center poetry anthologies, they being volume 5, 8, and 9, published in 2002, 2005, and 2006. She has been published in numerous...

Open Mic Poetry -49 Dale Jenson & Judi Wells

Open Mic Poetry -49 Dale Jenson & Judi Wells

This is the San Francisco Open Mic Poetry Podcast TV Show with John Rhodes and Clara Hsu. Our two guests today are two well known Berkeley Poets named Dale Jensen and Judi Wells. Dale Jensen runs an Open Mic at the Nefeli Cafe in Berkeley. They both have many books published and are both strong fixtures in the poetry community.

Open Mic Poetry Clive Matson

Open Mic Poetry Clive Matson

This is John Rhodes and this is the third special airing on this Access TV Channel in San Francisco of my poetry show. Today we are grateful to have as our guest Clive Matson, who will be reading for around 18 to 20 minutes. I will end the show reading from my podcast novel, “Little Bird Told Me.”

Open Mic Poetry -48 Chris and Deidre

Open Mic Poetry -48 Chris and Deidre

This is the San Francisco Open Mic Poetry Podcast TV Show with John Rhodes and Clara Hsu. This is John Rhodes' segment with Christopher Trian. Chris is published through Zeitgeist Press and is also a painter. You can find out more about his at at: In Clara Hsu's segment Deirdre Evans is reading. Deirdre has a book out called, 'Mother Goose from the Crypt'. You can get her book from, .

Open Mic Poetry – Brennan Manning

Open Mic Poetry – Brennan Manning

Hello. This is John Rhodes and this is the San Francisco Open Mic Poetry TV Show. Tonight I am trying something new. There now will be two poets every show and half the show will be hosted by friend and fellow poet Clara Hsu. You can find out more about her at: The poet I am introducing in my segment is Don Brennan. He is a real star of the open mics of San Francisco. He was also on my first real audio podcast many years ago and is still in the Mystic Babylon Archives

Open Mic Poetry -32 Ana Elsner-Richard Loranger

Open Mic Poetry -32 Ana Elsner-Richard Loranger

This is John Rhodes and Clara Hsu's San Francisco Mystic Babylon Open Mic Poetry Podcast TV. In the 1rst segment John Rhodes will introduce Ana Elsner. You can find Ana at: or also, . 'To create true poetry requires hunger and passion, and Ana Elsner has it, in spades.' –Lawrence Ferlinghetti In the 2nd segment Clara Hsu will introduce Richard Loranger. Richard Loranger has been doing poetry performances and visual art...

Open Mic Poetry -40 Amun John JC

Open Mic Poetry -40 Amun John JC

This is John Rhodes' and Clara Hsu's San Francisco Open Mic Poetry Podcast TV show known on the internet as Mystic Babylon. Today we have on the poet Amun Noor Neter in John's segment. She writes Mystic Poetry much in the grain as Kahlil Gibran describing searches for enlightenment. I John Rhodes will read one poem at the end.

Open Mic Poetry – Joyce Jenkins Poetry Flash Award

Open Mic Poetry – Joyce Jenkins Poetry Flash Award

This video was created after talking with Joyce Jenkens of Poetry Flash Magazine about possibly working with Poetry Flash to create some videos for them. If you don’t know who Poetry Flash is it is a very prominent West Coast Poetry Magazine

Open Mic Poetry – 51 Entrekin Storti

Open Mic Poetry – 51 Entrekin Storti

This is the San Francisco Open Mic Poetry Podcast TV Show with John Rhodes and Clara Hsu. In the two segments we have Charles Entrkin and Vince Storti.

Open Mic Poetry Dan Brady & Wendy Wolters

Open Mic Poetry Dan Brady & Wendy Wolters

On this segment of San Francisco Open Mic Poetry Podcast TV we have Dan Brady the head of the oldest open mic in San Francisco and possibly the U.S. Wendy his partner and wife will read in the second segment.

Open Mic Poetry – 34 – Dana Lomax Steve Mackin

Open Mic Poetry – 34 – Dana Lomax Steve Mackin

Dana Teen Lomax reads in the first segment of this show. She is the author of Disclosure (Black Radish Books, forthcoming in 2010), Curren¢y (Palm Press, 2006), Room (a+bend press, 1998), and the co-editor of Letters to Poets: Conversations about Poetics, Politics, and Community (Saturnalia Books, 2008). In the second segment run by Clara Hsu The featured poet for the second segemnt is Steve Mackin. Steve Mackin's muse's and inspiration's are the English and Celtic Bards. He takes his style...

Open Mic Poetry – Bill Gainer

Open Mic Poetry – Bill Gainer

Bill Gainer is known for the openness of his confessional poetry and is recognized as one of the founding contributors to the modern movement of 'After Hours' poetry.