Musician/Storyteller Jennifer Armstrong is the host of this simple childrens show. The topic of the show is 'Wishes' and through stories, activities, song and books that theme is explored.
I Can Be Me – Shoes
Musician/Storyteller Jennifer Armstrong is the host of this simple childrens show. The topic of the show is 'Shoes' and through stories, activities, song and books that theme is explored.
I Can Be Me – Math
Musician/Storyteller Jennifer Armstrong hosts this engaging childrens show. The subject is math.
I Can Be Me Episode – Fishing
This program includes songs stories and activities with a Fishing theme, and librarian 'Miss Jane' showcases come kids books with a fishing theme.
I Can Be Me Episode – 12 Apples
This program includes songs stories and activities with a 'Pomology' theme, and librarian 'Miss Jane' showcases come kids books with an apple theme.
I Can Be Me Episode – 11 Tailor
This program includes songs stories and activities with a sewing theme. Host Jennifer Armstrong also visits a fabric store, and librarian 'Miss Jane' showcases come kids books with a sewing theme.
I Can Be Me Episode – 10 Firemen
This program includes songs stories and activities with a Fireman theme. Host Jennifer Armstrong also meets with a fireman who demonstrates fire safety procedures, and librarian 'Miss Jane' showcases come kids books with a fire theme.
I Can Be Me – 9 Sailing
This show was recorded aboard 'Miss Nina' a 61 foot sailboat. host Jennifer Armstrong sings songs, tells a story and gets the kids dancing, while Captain Dan explains chrts and demonstrates how to tie a knot.
I Can Be Me – 8 Lucky
Lucky charms, tales of luck, songs about good fortune. That's what this episode is all about.
I Can Be Me – 7 meteorology
We had planned to do a show on a sailboat, but it was rainy, so we came up with this program. Show creator and host Jennifer Armstrong teaches kids how to make rain sticks,and of course there are songs and stories about weather.
I Can Be Me – 6 Games
This show is all about games. Host Jennifer Armstrong tells stories, sings songs and even demonstrates some fun games kids will enjoy playing. Jennifer also visits a local non profit center for children that is called 'All about games' to see all the fun activities that take place a such a place.
I Can Be Me – Frogs
This program includes songs stories and activities with an amphibian theme. Host Jennifer Armstrong visits a frog pond, and librarian 'Miss Jane' showcases come kids books with an amphibian theme.
I Can Be Me – Dance
This program includes songs stories and activities with a dance theme. Host Jennifer Armstrong also visits a local dance studio, and librarian 'Miss Jane' showcases come kids books with a dance theme.
I Can Be Me – Baking
This program includes songs stories and activities with a baking theme. Host Jennifer Armstrong also visits a local bakery, and librarian 'Miss Jane' showcases come kids books with a bakery theme.
I Can Be Me – Chiropractor
This program includes songs stories and activities with a chiropractor theme. Host Jennifer Armstrong also visits a local chiropractor, and librarian 'Miss Jane' showcases come kids books with a chiropractic theme.
I Can Be Me – 5 Quilt
This program includes songs stories and activities with a quilting theme. Host Jennifer Armstrong also visits a quilt studio, and librarian 'Miss Jane' showcases come kids books with a quilting theme.