Graceful Aging – Family Meeting
graceful Aging – family meeting
Graceful Aging – show 3072 Personal Safety Self Defense
Maintaining an active lifestyle is important as we age. We should be able to go where ever life takes us. An active lifestyle is more assured when we are aware of the conditions and circumstances that can endanger our personal safety. In this episode, Ian Kinder, a personal safety expert is our guest. Ian trains numerous law enforcement agencies in self defense techniques. We are honored to have him as our show guest to increase our awareness of danger zones, how to reduce ourselves as targets...
Graceful Aging – show 38 Talking To Your Doctor Part 2
Part 2 of 'Talking With Your Doctor' provides even more effective techniques for older adults and their families. Dr. Jack Voytas of the William Beaumont Hospital returns with excellent advice.
raceful Aging – show 4092 Senior Driving Tech
This episode shows ways to make our driving experience safer. Driving is demanding. As we age our reaction time and flexibility to see the road around us diminishes. Unfortunately, this greatly increases the chance for accidents and injuries. This can quickly move us from the driver's seat to the passenger seat. We learned the ways auto companies are designing and installing technology to make our driving safer. In this episode we’ll put you in the driver seat to learn what is available and...
Graceful Aging – I Can Get Up
'I've fallen and I can't get up' is a refrain ingrained from years of television ads. In this Graceful Aging Show we change the paradigm. There is a way to get down on the floor without falling and a safe, effective way to get back up again. Learn how by watching this show.
Graceful Aging – episode 4093 Honey, Let’s Talk Money
Procrastinating decisions about family finances comes with many excuses. Forget them all. Begin today to take control of your personal financial awareness, especially for women. This is the message of our highly charged energetic guest, Gail Perry Mason.
Graceful Aging – Reverse Mortgage
Reverse Mortgage
Graceful Aging – Alzheimers Report Card
Alzheimer’s disease grows increasingly more problematic as we age. Alzheimer’s attacks individuals, families, and communities. Alzheimer’s ravages the world. Where is the fight against this invidious disease?
Graceful Aging show 284 – Boomer Addiction
Substance abuse among the boomer generation is increasing at an alarming rate. Our show 'Boomer Addiction' is a revealing look at addiction issues facing individuals, families, and friends.
Graceful Aging – Moms Never Leave
As we age, the relationship we have with our mother remains a constant force. Our mother influenced and shaped us into the people we have become. 'Moms Never Leave' is our tribute to mom.
Graceful Aging – Coaxing Life’s Stories
Cherish life's stories. The moments we have with one another are brief and fleeting. The experiences we live are funny, interesting, revealing, and memorable. In this episode, Dr. James Concatelli identifies techniques to foster meaningful conversations. Dr. Jim shows us ways to mine the gems from those we hold dear. In the second part of this episode, we see and hear important personal messages from veterans. Their experience and insights continue to strengthen our country.
Graceful Aging – Monitoring Devices: A Little Tech May Do Ya
Living in your own home is everyone's first choice. When our ability to stay home safely and comfortably declines, worries arise. In this episode, we visit with Laura Seriguchi to learn about the quickly growing field of home monitoring devices. Laura shows us a wide range of products and demonstrates their use.
Graceful Aging – Geri-Obesity: We’re Eating Ourselves to Death
We are honored to have Walter Willett, chair of the Harvard School of Public Health’s Nutrition Department as our guest. Prof. Willett says Americans are getting fat because they’re eating more, consuming about 300 calories a day more today than they did 30 years ago. About half of that comes from soda, fruit juice, and other sugary drinks.
Graceful Aging – Improving Our Directional Sense
In this fast paced world, it is easy to get turned around and lost. Buildings, signs, and traffic patterns can be quite challenging. The difficulty is magnified as we age and inadvertently become more isolated. As we age it is important to get out of the house and enjoy our surroundings. In this episode we asked Janet Carpman, a Planning Specialist and Author of Directional Sense for the cues and clues to finding our way with confidence.
Graceful Aging #284 – Advanced Style
How you look impacts how you feel. This episode proves that looking and feeling good is possible at any age. Ari Seth Cohen is a modern day discoverer of remarkable women with a flair for style. Four years ago Ari moved to New York City from San Diego to change our perception of aging. His vision is to show how women at advanced age retain their desire and ability to look good.
Graceful Aging #66 – Music: Improving Life’s Harmony
Music strikes a chord that makes you smile. In this episode we are treated to 16 minutes of song and 12 minutes of thought by the Big Chief Barbershop Chorus and Rebecca Findley, MT-BC. Ms. Findley is a music therapist and leader who advocates the therapeutic use of music as we age.
Graceful Aging #68 – Design Matters
How can we shape and design a world that allows us to live best as we age? We are treated in this episode to the keen and insightful thought of world class planners/designers. Valerie Fletcher from the Institute for Human Centered Design in Boston describes a socially sustainable planning approach to our world. Wilhelm Oehl of 8 Inc. in San Francisco designs retail spaces like the Apple stores to be user friendly and comfortable. Rie Norregaard of OMHU is a color and design expert of consumer...
Graceful Aging #67 – Beef Up Female Financial Literacy
Women outlive men. Hooray! Yet, then women learn that a 'man is not a plan' when it comes to financial literacy.
Graceful Aging #66 – Passionate Aging Leadership
The recipe for passionate leadership in the aging field is described by James Firman, the President and CEO of the National Council on Aging (NCOA). NCOA advocates on behalf of older adults. NCOA's reach extends from the halls of Congress to the living rooms of seniors in need throughout the country.
Graceful Aging #65 Music Entertaining Power
Join us for “Music’s Entertaining Power.” We invited the Big Chief Barbershop Chorus to sing some of their favorite songs. We also invited a certified music therapist to the show. In the second half of the show we talked about how families can use the power of music to improve life. The Barbershop’s leader joined us and explained how inviting choral groups can be even to those without prior training.
Graceful Aging – Prostate Health
This is one of our most important shows affecting the lives of every healthy male 50 and over. We shot this show on on Tuesday October 18, 2011. It brings you the full flavor of the current hot discussion affecting all men, and their partners too. Is Prostate cancer testing an effective method of treatment?
Graceful Aging #32 Graceful Aging: Please Do Not Fall, Part 1
CARFIT is a national program that custom fits an older person's car through a simple 20 minute check and adjustment. In this episode, CARFIT expert Rachel Wilson of the American Automobile Association conducts a full check and adjustment on our volunteer driver Virginia. Follow these simple steps in your own car or sign up for a CARFIT in your town.