Expedition New England – show 6-026 More Than a Creek
Expedition New England – show 25 Bluff Head
Naturalist Scott Tucker along with daughter Daphne, son Race and wife Ava climbs Bluff Head in Guilford, Connecticut. There they explore the incredible geology, flora and fauna that exists so close to home. Also, in a flashback to winter the family sifts through soil from a small pond to discover salamanders and insects that live through the bitter cold.
Expedition New England – show 23 Approaching Real Time
Naturalist Scott Tucker feels the pressure of managing his family’s construction company and bangs out a show 'Approaching Real Time' in two hours. Scott, along with Daphne and special guest Claudia Peissig literally walk across the street from their house into a swamp adjacent to Candlewood Hill Brook and discover plants and insects beyond belief. Then Scott takes you into his front yard where he brings you into the wild world of ants.
Expedition New England – show 24 Root Canal Plus
Naturalist Scott Tucker steps into unchartered territory again and explores the behavior of Homo Sapiens in the modern world. By documenting an entire weekend events: from breast feeding their newborn and the powerful properties of human breast milk, his own frustrations with antibiotics that don’t work anymore due to the forces of evolution, and snake hunting with Earl IV, Earl III, Daphne and Ava.
Expedition New England – show 22 All Things Aquatic
Naturalist Scott Tucker along with his wife Ava and daughter Daphne take you on a wild journey through Eight Mile River Watershed where they work as volunteers searching for aquatic insect larva. Then, Scott brings you back in time to 2001 where they explored the largest breeding colony of Elephant Seals in North America at Ano Nuevo State Reserve south of San Francisco, California. As if this isn’t enough, Scott takes a trip to Rhode Island where he studies the most prolific animal on earth:...
Expedition New England – show 21 Cape Ann Crusaders
Naturalist Scott Tucker along with his wife Ava and daughter Daphne travel to the Cape Ann region of Massachusetts where they encounter the largest mammals on earth, whales!!! Scott also brings you out into the woods on a field trip with the Connecticut Herpetologists League where they encounter a Northern Copperhead, a Black Rat Snake, a Ringneck Snake, a Black Racer, 2 Worm Snakes and 3 Water Snakes. Also, Scott, Ava and Daphne share an amazing encounter with a pair of Daddy Longlegs spiders...
Expedition New England – show 19 Tropical New England
Naturalist Scott Tucker gives you a blow by blow account of the highlights from Labor Day weekend 2005 in Southern New England. Scott and his Daughter Daphne inspect an amazing Annual Cicada found just before it dies. Also, Scott and faithful scuba diving partner Chris Pimley explore the Rhode Island coast in search of tropical fish (that can’t be possible). And finally Scott gives you a look into the world of Orb Weaver spiders living on his front deck.
Expedition New England – show 20 Cape Ann Scuba Diving
Naturalist Scott Tucker travels to Cape Ann Massachusetts where he is joined by expert SCUBA diver Jenny Wu. Together they encounter some of the most bizarre marine life the Western Atlantic Ocean has to offer. Also, Scott, Ava and Daphne share an amazing encounter with Tomentose Burying Beetles found in their own backyard in Higganum, CT. Finally, Scott explores Pat Todd’s backyard in Guilford, CT with Abigail White where they encounter a myriad of insects feeding in Pat’s garden.
Expedition New England – show 17 Breakneck Speed
Naturalist Scott Tucker and scuba partner Chris Pimley take you on an amazing dive into the marine environment at Bull Head in Jamestown Rhode Island. Scott also teams up with Mary Head and Gina Nicholls to explore the unexpected and magnificent ecosystem of Sandy Point in West Haven Connecticut. Finally, with the help of Howie Field and his family, Scott, Ava, and Daphne take you on a journey through Haddam Land Trust property in search of amphibians and reptiles.
Expedition New England – show 16 Invasive Species
Naturalist Scott Tucker along with his family take a canoe trip on the Connecticut river only to find its ecosystem has been invaded by the asian clam. Scott also teams up with Chris Pimley on an amazing dive off the coast of Rhode Island at Beaver State Park. Finally, Scott documents the plight of wild life as it encounters man made road with vehicular traffic (this won’t be pretty).
Expedition New England – show 18 Searching for Life
Naturalist Scott Tucker teams up with Captain Charlie Donilon of Snappa Charters in search of Blue Sharks 30 miles off the coast of Rhode Island. The crew of divers will never forget what they saw (not to mention what they smelled). Scott takes on two side trips that also occurred in August 2005; an adventure with Daphne and Sierra Tucker at Hammonasset State Park and a snake hunting trip at the Ansonia Nature Center.
Expedition New England with Scott Tucker – 12 Southern New England Summer
Naturalist Scott Tucker and lifelong friend Ben Rayner take you on a wildlife encounter on Ben’s property in Chester, Connecticut where they discover amazing plants and animals everywhere. Additionally, Scott joins Chris Pimley on a SCUBA trip to Haycocks Ledge off the coast of Newport, RI where they see spectacular marine life. Oh yeah, Scott and Ava discuss the practicality of heading to Costa Rica when she will be five months pregnant. Finally, Daphne joins Scott at the magical drainage...
Expedition New England with Scott Tucker – 013 Scuba New England
Scott Tucker takes you on journey into the undiscovered marine world of New England by scuba diving the coastlines of Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Additionally, Scott charters Captain Charlie Donilon of Snappa Charters and takes a crew 40 miles south of Rhode Island to encounter Blue Sharks in the open ocean.
Expedition New England – show 11 Mojave Desert
Naturalist Scott Tucker and his family take you on a journey into the Joshua Tree National Park where they encounter lizards, toads and snakes of the Mojave Desert. Additionally, Ava and Daphne discover that life erupts at dusk while they encounter a breeding population of Red Spotted Toads in the Barker Dam oasis. Finally, Scott takes you into the high desert looking for his first rattlesnake. Does he get skunked again?
Expedition New England show 3 1 Haddam Land Trust
Naturalist Scott Tucker along with is wife Ava and daughter Daphne, take you on amphibian and reptile hunting adventures in New England where they search Haddam Land Trust property and get more than they bargain for. Also featured is Chris Camacho and Sierra Tucker who join in the search.
expedition New England 1 By Land and 2 By Sea
Expedition New England Episode 10 Spring Emergence
Naturalist Scott Tucker and his family take you on a journey though out New England where they encounter a northern copperhead in a forgotten wilderness. Also, Scott’s daughter Daphne snorkels in Fort Wetherill for the first time and sees remarkable marine life at 4 years old. Finally, Scott shows us a wildlife crossing tunnel installed under Rt 66 in Middlefield, CT that is designed to reduce animal road mortality
Expedition New England Nedobity Preserve
Herpetology Survey in the Nedobity Preserve in Higganum, Ct.
Expedition New England – Your Land
Naturalist Scott Tucker and his family take you through a typical weekend in New England where they install a compost bin in their back yard, discover the wood frog, and have a tearful encounter with a dead snapping turtle. In addition, special guest Gail Reynolds of the Haddam Conservation Commission and Haddam Land Trust, takes Scott on a hike around Haddam Reservoir where she identifies a myriad of southern New England’s finest flora.
Expedition New England – Catch and Release
Naturalist Scott Tucker and his family take you through a typical weekend in New England where they catch and release a wood turtle and a snapping turtle, they examine flowers on their front lawn meadow, and snorkel in a secrete Haddam river. Not to mention . . . release a racer and a water snake, lead a snake walk for the regional water authority, and feed their pet bull snake ukems.
Expedition New England – Escaping Disney
A departure from New England to a winter escape to Florida's wildlife.
Expedition New England
Naturalist Scott Tucker along with his wife Ava and daughter Daphne, take you on their adventures in New England where they rescue a large snapping turtle crossing a road, scuba dive with 1000s of lion’s mane jellyfish at Fort Wetherill in Rhode Island, and encounter an apparently gravid timber rattlesnake basking in the sun. Finally, Chuck Annicelli and Scott present a live demonstration of common snakes found in Connecticut at Bauer Park in Madison.
Expedition New England – Searching for Reptiles
Naturalist Scott Tucker, with special guest Chris Camacho takes you on a snaking hunting adventure in New England where they search for the eastern hognose snake and get more than they bargain for. Also featured is Matt Harris with his pet hybrid crocodile