Conversations with Dr. Don
A Consumer-centered Mental Health Policy Needed

A Consumer-centered Mental Health Policy Needed

Host, Dr. Don Baham, interviews guest Kevin Fitts about his life and work in the mental health system and the use of peer-related healthcare in the treatment of persons needing such care. Guest talks about improving the existing system to have better outcomes.

DrDon – Revisit Mad As Hell Doctors

DrDon – Revisit Mad As Hell Doctors

Host, Dr. Don Baham, interviews previous guest Robert Seward about his life of activism in pursuit of the truth about universal health care since his last appearance a few years ago. His passion about the issue has not diminished and has rather increased since the arrival of President Trump.

Conversations with DrDon – Field Notes From A Failed Revolution

Conversations with DrDon – Field Notes From A Failed Revolution

Host, Dr. Don Baham, interviews guest Jeffery St. Clair about his life as a citizen activist, author, and editor of Counterpunch, a national progressive news magazine. Guest talked about Bernie Sanders revolutionary challenge to the existing two-party political system.

DrDon – The Indomitable John Poling

DrDon – The Indomitable John Poling

Repeat guest John Poling talks about why he is described as "indomitable". Through years of challenge to his physical health, John has always accepted and overcome difficulties that might have stymied others. His dogged determination has stood him in good stead.

The Experience of the Fall

The Experience of the Fall

In this conversation, guest Felix Lilly describes reactions to his having nearly died from a fall from a very tall tree when he was ten years old. Today at twenty he describes psychological impressions that he attributes largely to his injuries and long-term adjustments to his coma and recovery and post-injury life.

From Research Physicist to Volunteer News Reporter

From Research Physicist to Volunteer News Reporter

In this second of two conversations, guest Joe Ryan talks about how he pursued a successful career as a physicist until he accepted a calling to change rather radically to a career news reporter at a Portland, Oregon listener-sponsored radio station. Joe talked about how satisfying his new career has been.

DrDon – The Trump Presidency

DrDon – The Trump Presidency

Host and returning guest Ted Pyle talk about current political issues that are of such importance that they need adressing by other than the usual commercial sources to arrive at solutions that have real meaning for ordinary folk; the Trump presidency is an example of what was talked about.

DrDon: Fossil Fuels and the Columbia River

Host and guests Ryan Rittenhouse and Nakisha Nathan talked about the environmental impact of ignoring the effects of continued use of extractive fuels as the source of energy for the continuation of civilization. We must embrace environmentally friendly sources of energy if we plan to survive.

The Trump Presidency and What We Must Do

The Trump Presidency and What We Must Do

Host and and guest Stuart Perrin talked about the title of the show and about Stuart's latest book, "Moving On: finding happiness in a changed world". The book is a collection of Stuart's aphorisms worth heeding. We talked again about his life-long career teaching about spirituality.

DrDon – Spiritual Roots of Love and Tolerance

DrDon – Spiritual Roots of Love and Tolerance

Host and guest Michael Jarman talked about individuals ability to communicate on a deeper level than the cognitive where a deeper connection occurs on an almost indescribable level. This level is sometimes spoken about as a spiritual level where love and tolerance happen.

Science & Society – Illuminating The New Dark Age

Science & Society – Illuminating The New Dark Age

Host and and repeat guest Martin Donohoe, MD talked about the current administration's view of science as much less important than science and the general society believe it is, and the result could start a trend that replicates the dangerous thinking of the Dark Ages.

The Character of a Political Action Committee

The Character of a Political Action Committee

Host and guest Rosa Colquitt talked about her experiences being a part of an Oregon county's organizing and functioning political organization. Guest talked about her impression that the process had a flavor of "white privilege" that was sad and rather "off-putting".

Conversations with Dr. Don :Immigration To America

Host and guest Arnie Panitch talked about immigration to America in term of guest's experiences on arriving in America after escaping pogroms in Europe, Somali immigrants in America overcoming prejudice here by organizing, and difficulties of immigrants attempting to cross into America to escape poverty in their countries of origin.

Conversations with Dr Don – The Future of American Democracy

Conversations with Dr Don – The Future of American Democracy

Host and and guests Dan Meek and Marc Koller talked about what appears to be the threat to democracy today considering the behavior of the Trump government. Guest Marc Koller, an Oregon Progressive Party candidate for congress, who might offer hope for a progressive direction of government.

Conversations with Dr Don – show 05-29 Postal Service

Conversations with Dr Don – show 05-29 Postal Service

Dr. Don Baham, interviews a the Organizing Chair of The National Association of Letter Carriers, AFL-CIO about the state of the US Postal Service today. He talks about why there is talk of the Postal Service being privatized in a way beyond the corporate media’s discussion.

Conversations with Dr Don show 526

Conversations with Dr Don show 526

Host, Dr. Don Baham, interviews Corporate Recruiter, Yvonne Randall, about who she is personally and about her enjoyable career as a recruiter of professional talent for large companies and corporations.