Conversations with Dr. Don
Conversations with DrDon – 0790 Neighbors for Clean Air

Conversations with DrDon – 0790 Neighbors for Clean Air

Host, Dr. Don Baham, talks with guest Mary Peveto about her becoming an ''accidental activist'' in pursuit of understanding and doing something about air pollution in the Portland, OR area. Most citizens don't appreciate the amount of air contamination that occurs from truck use of diesel fuel.

Conscious Living – Ep 34 The Ultimate Ayurveda Detox

Conscious Living – Ep 34 The Ultimate Ayurveda Detox

Come with us as we visit the eco-luxurious OneWorld Ayurveda, an authentic Ayurveda retreat offering guests a life-changing Panchakarma detox amidst the rice fields of mystical Bali, Indonesia. Then we head to OneWorld Retreat's ''Live Your Dreams'' workshop just outside of Ubud, where we learn to tap into our deepest desires and bring them into reality while enjoying daily yoga and meditation.

Conversations with DrDon – Real Empathy for The Handicapped

Conversations with DrDon – Real Empathy for The Handicapped

Host, Dr. Don Baham, talks with guest Keith Faulkner about his own experience of America's seeming stunted capacity for genuine empathy with fellow humans who happen to be less fortunate than most of us as we navigate the challenges of everyday living. Keith has a loving sensitivity.

Conversations with DrDon – 0788 US Energy Trends Today

On this episode, we are live from India to celebrate the diversity of the faith, religions and spiritual practices the world over, and honoring the one universal goal they share: connecting to the divine. So come with us as we visit an ashram in the back woods of Charlottesville, Virginia, that’s helping devotees from diverse faiths, races and cultures come together, and deepen their spiritual practice through yoga, meditation and fresh vegetarian cuisine. Then, we’re in Bali, Indonesia to...

Conversations with DrDon –  Why Two Chinas Today

Conversations with DrDon – Why Two Chinas Today

Host, Dr. Don Baham, talks with guest Lloyd Meyer about his recent multiple trips to both Mainland China and Taiwan with a focus on the similarities and differences on how the two societies have evolved successfully in today's competitive world.

Conversations with DrDon – Giving Back To Humanity

Conversations with DrDon – Giving Back To Humanity

Host, Dr. Don Baham, and guest DonnaJoy Taber talk about the process involved in what in guest's life has resulted in a thoughtful decision about what is important in considering what ''Giving Back To Humanity'' really means.

Conversations with DrDon – Bottleneck Blues Band Again

Conversations with DrDon – Bottleneck Blues Band Again

Host, Dr. Don Baham, really had a hard time not getting carried away by the thoroughly entertaining music of this treatment of traditional blues by master musicians. The vocal renditions by the band leader, Noah Bell, had Dr. Don rocking back to an earlier time.

Conversations with DrDon – Myth Speech and Censorship

Conversations with DrDon – Myth Speech and Censorship

Host, Dr. Don Baham, and guest talk about censorship in it's many forms and how it gets in the way of the ordinary citizenry being adequately informed so that they can make informed decisions at the ballot box and make an approximation of democracy.

Conversations with DrDon – Grindstoning in The Age of Trump

Conversations with DrDon – Grindstoning in The Age of Trump

Host, Dr. Don Baham, and guests Lloyd Marbet and Cathryn Chudy talk about the numerous examples of the ongoing struggle between environmentalists and fossil fuel advocates. The guests cited instances where the tide seems to be turning and the environmentalists are finally winning.

Conversations with DrDon – 0773 Topical Issues on December 11 2017

Conversations with DrDon – 0773 Topical Issues on December 11 2017

Host, Dr. Don Baham, and guest Michael Sonnleitner discuss at length a number of topical issues to do with humans behavior and their seeming to not be aware of the possibility of changing enough to make our stay on Gaia more responsible and loving in the overall scheme of things.

Conversations with DrDon –  Voices in Verse on Television

Conversations with DrDon – Voices in Verse on Television

Host, Dr. Don Baham, and two fellow poets, Louis Haha and Amanda Duncan, talk about their interest in creating their own poetry and their delivery of their creations. Louis, the leader of the poetry reading group and the two other poets are adept at demonstrating their talent.

Conversations with DrDon – Revisiting the My Lai Massacre

Conversations with DrDon – Revisiting the My Lai Massacre

Host, Dr. Don Baham, interviews repeat guest Mike Hastie about how the passage of time has effected his reaction to his service in Vietnam including his resulting PTSD. Mike talked about the effects of the war on the Vietnamese civilians rather than just on the American troops.

Conversations with DrDon – Reflections on the Russian Revolution of 1917

Brian Roberts teaches Spanish in this series intended to provide language training fast! This session of intense, focused, specialized language instruction provides some basic communicative tools in the Spanish language The program is engineered to provided rapid gains in basic communication in Spanish, so the focus is on high-frequency vocabulary to train the language learner to recognize, understand, and use the vocabulary and grammar that he or she is likely to encounter in day-to-day life....

Conversations with DrDon – Life In Motion

Conversations with DrDon – Life In Motion

Host, Dr. Don Baham, interviews guest Walter Miller about how his having to move seemingly nonstop as a child because of being a "military brat" seems to have manifested itself in his adult life. Guest's subsequent life experiences would seem to warrant the title of this episode.

Conversations with DrDon – The Bartering Alternative

Conversations with DrDon – The Bartering Alternative

Host, Dr. Don Baham, interviews guests John Pauling and Alex Evans about two alternative methods of facilitating commerce in today's world. Repeat guest John Poling talks about a system called "Chi" presently in use in the Pacific Northwest while Alex Evans talked about "Cryptocurrency" in use in much of the rest of the world.

The Brainwashing of The American People

The Brainwashing of The American People

Host, Dr. Don Baham, interviews repeat guest Robert Seward, MD about his conclusion that Americans by and large are "brainwashed" today to believe that wealth and personal possessions are more important than kindness and love for each other. He cites American's embrace of Crony Capitalism as a sad example.