Better World Films
Better World Films – Geography of Hope with John Liu

Better World Films – Geography of Hope with John Liu

In 2012, John Liu presented his film, Hope in a Changing Climate as part of the Geography of Hope event series in Pt. Reyes, CA. Following the film, Liu gave this presentation, which included video from his travels in China, Ethiopia and Rwanda. Liu has been documenting how large, decimated ecosystems are being restored in these areas, helping to stabilize the earth's climate, eradicating poverty and making sustainable agriculture a reality. John Liu is the founder of the Environmental...

Beauty, People And Places – Bea Lackaff

Beauty, People And Places – Bea Lackaff

Bea Lackaff tells of a few of her journey's in the world. The kind helpful people that made a difference. People are much the same where she has visited. And some ideas for societies and people that choose to nurture everyone - people and nature

BWF- One Country For Palestinians & Israelis

BWF- One Country For Palestinians & Israelis

Ali Abunimah tells of his parents life in Palestine and their exile to Jordan, his growing up as his father was a Jordanian diplomat, the on going Israeli - Palestinian impasse and BDS - the global Boycot, Divestment, Santions movement. Here this insightful perspective too seldom heard in the media.

Better World Films  :Walkin Jim – A Divine Key

Better World Films :Walkin Jim – A Divine Key

Jim speaks of his motivations for writing and singing his songs in concerts and in schools. He explains how import the slide show is for his concert songs. How import it is for people to see the wild lands.

Community Resilience With Permaculture

Community Resilience With Permaculture

Rob Hopkins - How Permaculture Moves Transition Permaculture Convergence, 29:05 Minutes in the 58 minute show, 27:56 Minutes in the single show Rob Hopkins talk at the 2013 Northern California Transition and Permaculture Convergence at the Solar Living Institute in Hopland, CA.

Better World Films  –  Water Planet News 3

Better World Films – Water Planet News 3

WSU Golf Course Case – Citizens Defend Community Drinking Water, Similkameen River - Uneconomic Dam Proposal To Dewater Waterfalls, Largest All-federal Irrigation System - Threatening Salmon Survival. and Toxic PCB’s In The Spokane River

Better World Films – Ancient Futures – Helena Norberg Hodges

Helena’s book, ‘Ancient Futures: Learning from Ladakh (Little Tibet)’, has been described as 'an inspirational classic.' Together with the film of the same title, it has been translated into more than 40 languages, and sold about half a million copies.

Better World Films – Tim DeChristopher – This Is What Love Looks Like

Tim DeChristopher's peaceful civil disobedience received a 2-year sentence in federal prison, a $10,00 fine and 3 years probation. These are excerpts From Tim's official statement made July 26, 2011 at his sentencing hearing for disrupting a government agency engaged in what was later declared illegitimate. The sentence is on appeal.

Better World Films – Water is Life

Better World Films – Water is Life

Hear Indian elders, the salmon and generations unborn through Deb's voice. See the beauty of the Spokane Tribal land near the Spokane River shore through her eyes. Listen to Indian people anxiously awaiting and then celebrating salmon's return through Deb's heart. Waters and lands are sacred. Salmon are the life source for everyone in the greater tribal region for thousands of years.