Anatomy of the Human Mind Course
Anatomy of the Human Mind  show 17 The Basic Impulse to Be Right

Anatomy of the Human Mind show 17 The Basic Impulse to Be Right

'The Basic Impulse to Be Right.' Based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology. The basic impulses we all have of being right and not being wrong, and how those impulses can become destructive compulsions, will be the subject of this edition of the Anatomy of the Human Mind Course. Hosted by Ron Savelo.

Anatomy of the Human Mind show 18-How To Handle Exhaustion

Anatomy of the Human Mind show 18-How To Handle Exhaustion

'How to Handle Exhaustion.' Based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology. On this episode we'll be discussing an extremely important concept having to do with, among other things, the subject of exhaustion. We'll be covering what exhaustion actually is, what causes it, and a simple, drug-free technique that you can use to handle it, that is extremely simple and equally as powerful. Hosted by Ron Savelo.

Anatomy of the Human Mind  show 15 How to Handle Confusion

Anatomy of the Human Mind show 15 How to Handle Confusion

'Confusion & Stable Data.' Based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology. On this episode, we'll be examining the basic anatomy of Confusion. This concept you're about to learn is so embracive of all of life that when this concept is fully understood and used, there is virtually no confusion that you will not be able to reduce to an understandable simplicity, or, in fact, completely eliminate. Hosted by Ron Savelo

Anatomy of the Human Mind  show 16 What is a Cycle of Action

Anatomy of the Human Mind show 16 What is a Cycle of Action

'The Cycle of Action.' Based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology. On this episode, we discuss the most fundamental concept in Dianetics. The first written appearance of this concept was found about ten thousand years ago in some ancient texts called the Veda. Once you know about and can fully utilize this basic concept, you'll be able to salvage a marriage or a business.

Anatomy of the Human Mind  show 14 What Is the Nervous System

Anatomy of the Human Mind show 14 What Is the Nervous System

'The Nervous System.' Based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology. This episode of the Anatomy of the Human Mind Course is about the human nervous system, the human body and the brain, how they relate to each other, and how they differ from and relate to the Human Mind. Hosted by Ron Savelo

Anatomy of the Human Mind-14-What-Is-the-Nervous-System

Anatomy of the Human Mind-14-What-Is-the-Nervous-System

'The Nervous System.' Based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology. This episode of the Anatomy of the Human Mind Course is about the human nervous system, the human body and the brain, how they relate to each other, and how they differ from and relate to the Human Mind. Hosted by Ron Savelo

Anatomy of the Human Mind Episode 2

Anatomy of the Human Mind Episode 2

The Reactive Mind is that part of the human mind that operates on a totally stimulus response basis. This show explains how it works and what you can do about it. Hosted by Ron Savelo

Anatomy of the Human Mind Course  –  A Course Orientation

Anatomy of the Human Mind Course – A Course Orientation

Based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology, this first in a series of 21 shows, will orient you to the remaining 20 shows, including some 'man-on-the-street' interviews of what the average person thinks the mind is. Hosted by Ron Savelo.