911TV – Charles Carlson 2010 Christian Zionism with JFK Peace Speech

911TV – Charles Carlson 2010 Christian Zionism with JFK Peace Speech

How Scofield and his Bible sowed the seeds to deceive MILLIONS! And how millions of people continue to die and suffer today because of it. Nearly 70 million Christians in the United States accept or are heavily influenced by the belief system of Christian Zionism. The primary requirement of Christian Zionism is the belief that the modern state of Israel is the fulfillment of biblical prophecy. So 20% of the population of America thinks we MUST conduct WAR FOR Israel! Only 2% of the population...

911TV – Barrett Lindorff Dammegard 2017 False Flags

False flags -- attacks covertly created by one group then blamed on another for ulterior purposes -- have been engineered throughout history, typically to incite wars. Today, false flags are used to achieve many shadow government goals, including fomenting Islamophobia and cowing an unwitting public into supporting a fascist agenda.

Christopher Bollyn MA 2017 Who Really Did 911

Christopher Bollyn MA 2017 Who Really Did 911

Who planned, executed, and covered up the worst terrorist attack in history? Christopher Bollyn explains WHO DID 9/11, their specific roles, and the underlying strategic agenda for this devastating FALSE FLAG ATTACK in two one hour parts.

911TV – Isa Hodges 2013 and MD alam 2013

911TV – Isa Hodges 2013 and MD alam 2013

This historic national 9/11 truth conference was held September 14-15, 2013 on the occasion of the twelfth anniversary of the events of September 11, 2001. This conference, which culminated a week of other 9/11 truth activities held in Washington, DC this year, is co-sponsored by DC911truth.org, Connecticut 9/11 Truth and Monterey CA 9/11 Truth.

911TV – If Americans Knew 2007 Captured Prisoners and The Easiest Targets

911TV – If Americans Knew 2007 Captured Prisoners and The Easiest Targets

Since the beginning of the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories in 1967, over 650,000 Palestinians have been detained by Israel. As the majority of those detained are male, the number of Palestinians detained forms approximately 40% of the total male Palestinian population in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT).

911TV – David Griffin 2008 Was America Attacked by Muslims on 9-11 Part 2

911TV – David Griffin 2008 Was America Attacked by Muslims on 9-11 Part 2

David Ray Griffin 2008 “Was America Attacked by Muslims on 9/11?" This gem was recently discovered in the Public TeleVision archives. David Ray Griffin at the peak of his career, this video has not been widely seen. Based on his book, New Pearl Harbor Revisited, update and corrections, David cogently and decisively takes apart the Official False Flag Theory that Muslims were involved in the attacks. He asks 16 questions focusing on one issue: Was America Attacked by Muslims on 9/11? As you...

911TV – Barry Kissin M Springmann 2017 Among Truth Seekers

911TV – Barry Kissin M Springmann 2017 Among Truth Seekers

Join Richard Gage, head of Architects and Engineers for Truth (A&E911Truth.org); Peter Ketchum, NIST whistle blower; Michael Springman, State Department whistle blower; Barry Kissin, anthrax and 28 pages expert, and Christopher Bollyn, Investigative Journalist, at the 9/11 panel in DC for the 16th anniversary of 9/11/2001.

911TV – Kevin Barrett 2013 Terror and the Sacred

911TV – Kevin Barrett 2013 Terror and the Sacred

This historic national 9/11 truth conference was held September 14-15, 2013 on the occasion of the twelfth anniversary of the events of September 11, 2001. This conference, which culminated a week of other 9/11 truth activities held in Washington, DC this year, is co-sponsored by DC911truth.org, Connecticut 9/11 Truth and Monterey CA 9/11 Truth.

Joel Simpson 2017 “Deep State, Election Integrity, Israeli Securitocracy”

Joel Simpson 2017 “Deep State, Election Integrity, Israeli Securitocracy”

First given at the Left Forum in NY, 3 June 2017, this extended version is presented 29 June 2017. Joel’s summary of the controversies swirling around the Left Forum this year (June 2-4) are at his blog: prehensile-eye.blogspot.com. Here’s his bibliography of books mentioned in the show: *Christopher Bollyn, Solving 9/11: The Deception That Changed the World, 2012 (Mossad's role, 10-20 years in the planning). *Lance deHaven-Smith, Conspiracy Theory in America, 2013 *Andrew Feinstein, The...

911TV – Barrett Gage Honegger 2017 Ground Zero for a Resistance Movement

911TV – Barrett Gage Honegger 2017 Ground Zero for a Resistance Movement

Increasingly, Leftists are challenging the official 9/11 story, focusing on forensic, political facts -- not ideological positions. Much of the Left leadership, however, shun discussion or investigation of the many omissions, misstatements, and deceptions of the official 9/11 narrative. They call 9/11 inquiry a distraction from “the real work.”

911TV- David Ray Griffin 2011 “Miracles”

911TV- David Ray Griffin 2011 “Miracles”

Dr. David Ray Griffin returns to Town Hall in Seattle to explore why some of the best independent journalists in America accept without question the official conspiracy theories put forth by the 9/11 Commission and NIST (National Institute of Standard and Technology) in their investigations of the tragic events of September 11, 2001.

911TV – Dahlia Wasfi 2010 – Israels Influence on US Policy

911TV – Dahlia Wasfi 2010 – Israels Influence on US Policy

In “Israel’s Influence on U.S. Policy” Dr. Dahlia Wasfi says “We are creating what is happening There.” Nobody has ever said it so cogently. Dahlia is a fired up activist who has the view-graphs to make you one too! www. liberate this . com. “i have to back up what i say, because it’s so vastly different from what we usually hear.” “USS Liberty is a critical moment.” “Thanks to us, it’s 9/11 every day.” “If we’re gonna heal, we gotta acknowledge everything in our...

Frank Dorrel 2000 “What I Learned About U.S. Foreign Policy” PART 1

Frank Dorrel 2000 “What I Learned About U.S. Foreign Policy” PART 1

In 2000, Frank Dorrel put together this excellent video compilation which has been seen by millions of people. The basic message is that the Central Intelligence Agency, the military-industriial complex, the Pentagon, the multinational corporations, the media and the Government of the United States are responsible for the death of millions of people in the third world, not to mention the poverty and oppression of millions more. Frank Dorrel is an American peace activist. Formerly in the U.S....

Douglas Duane Dietrich 2011 “Satan’s Crusaders”

Douglas Duane Dietrich 2011 “Satan’s Crusaders”

Douglas Dietrich was a Department of Defense Research Librarian for almost a decade, responsible for incinerating highly classified materials on critical historical topics such as Pearl Harbor, Roswell, Viêt-Nam, and the different ethnic holocausts; as well as documents exposing the reality behind vampires, zombies, Soviet psychic warfare, and other occult phenomena.

911 TV – Mark Gaffney 2013 + Matt Sullivan

911 TV – Mark Gaffney 2013 + Matt Sullivan

This historic national 9/11 truth conference was held September 14-15, 2013 on the occasion of the twelfth anniversary of the events of September 11, 2001. This conference, which culminated a week of other 9/11 truth activities held in Washington, DC this year, is co-sponsored by DC911truth.org, Connecticut 9/11 Truth and Monterey CA 9/11 Truth.

Erik Lawyer and Richard Gage 2015 “World Premier of Expose 911 Myths”

Erik Lawyer and Richard Gage 2015 “World Premier of Expose 911 Myths”

As a prelude to the “Declassifying the Truth” Symposium, Erik Lawyer and Richard Gage introduced and discussed their new movie “Expose 9/11 Myths” in New York on Friday 11 September 2015. Bob McIlvaine was there, as well as many other truthers during the Q & A. Here is the “Declassifying the Truth” playlist where you will find other speakers in New York for the weekend symposium.

David Ray Griffin 2010 “Crooked Agenda”

David Ray Griffin 2010 “Crooked Agenda”

David Ray Griffin 2010 "Crooked Agenda: Al-Qaeda, Afghanistan, 9/11 Deception" Drake University, Bulldog Theater, Des Moines, Iowa, April 23, 2010 "Whereas it is widely recognized that the US-led war in Afghanistan is illegal under international law, because it was never authorized by the UN Security Council, most Americans have believed that it was morally justified as a response to the 9/11 attacks, and many believe it is still justified as a necessary means to prevent another attack...

George Matta 2016 “The Occupation of the American Mind”

George Matta 2016 “The Occupation of the American Mind”

For those who ever wondered why the perps thot they could get away with 911, this DVD “The Occupation of the American Mind” says it all! With the subtitle “Israel’s Public Relations War in the United States,” it gets right to the point: Hasbara. And even knowing we are Mind Controlled is not enough. We’ve got to clean out the cobwebs AND the spiders!

Charles E. Carlson 2010 “Christian Zionism”

Charles E. Carlson 2010 “Christian Zionism”

How Scofield and his Bible sowed the seeds to deceive MILLIONS! And how millions of people continue to die and suffer today because of it. Nearly 70 million Christians in the United States accept or are heavily influenced by the belief system of Christian Zionism. The primary requirement of Christian Zionism is the belief that the modern state of Israel is the fulfillment of biblical prophecy. So 20% of the population of America thinks we MUST conduct WAR FOR Israel! Only 2% of the population...

Cheryl Curtiss 2017 “Co-Opting the Left”

Kevin Zeese, J.D., is co-director of Popular Resistance, a movement for social, economic, and environmental justice. He has been a political activist since graduating from George Washington Law School in 1980, and is recognized as leading advocate in the Americans Who Tell the Truth series. Zeese co-hosts Clearing the FOG radio which airs on We Act Radio, 1480 AM. He is co-founder of Come Home America which brings people from across the political spectrum together to work against war and...