911TV – Douglas Duane Dietrich 2017 – Holocausts Part 2

911TV – Douglas Duane Dietrich 2017 – Holocausts Part 2

Starting the year off with a bang, Douglas launches a two hour communication that links so many dots that you'll be boggled by the sheer breadth and depth of his knowledge. Douglas discusses The Holocaust, 9/11, and Jews, Arabs, and Christians and how it all works together. He develops a broad vision of holocausts, going back all the way to the terrorist god of the old testament who instilled the idea into his chosen people. Early on he addresses holocaust denial. His approach is to put in...

911TV – Frank Dorrel 2000 What I Learned Abut US Foreign Policy

911TV – Frank Dorrel 2000 What I Learned Abut US Foreign Policy

In 2000, Frank Dorrel put together this excellent video compilation which has been seen by millions of people. The basic message is that the Central Intelligence Agency, the military-industriial complex, the Pentagon, the multinational corporations, the media and the Government of the United States are responsible for the death of millions of people in the third world, not to mention the poverty and oppression of millions more. Frank Dorrel is an American peace activist. Formerly in the U.S....

911TV- Dennis Kucinish – From 9-11 to 11-11

911TV- Dennis Kucinish – From 9-11 to 11-11

The conversation will explore National Security in terms of Human Security, including Food Security, Water Security, Economic Security, Health Security, Education Security, Environmental Security and Peace. This particular event, called “An Urgent Meeting of Peace-Makers,” was hosted by the War and Law League on Sunday, October 19, 2014 at the The Women’s Building in San Francisco, California

911TV – Jeremy Rothe-Kushel 2018 Peole Power Politics

911TV – Jeremy Rothe-Kushel 2018 Peole Power Politics

Jeremy gave this lucid presentation Saturday 9 June 2018 during the DEEPTRUTH.info conference LiveStreamed by NoLiesRadio.org. He makes activism still seem plausible. Q&A with Jonathan Revusky, Dean Hendeson, and Tom Kiely rounds out the hour show.

911TV – Dean Henderson 2018 – All Roads lead to the City of London

911TV – Dean Henderson 2018 – All Roads lead to the City of London

Dean Henderson 2018 “All roads lead to the City of London” The City of London and The Black Nobility go way back in a world full of Crown Agents and Rothschild Dynasty. Dean gets right to the point. Now you know what you’re up against. The next speaker is Jonathan Revusky discussing Reality vs. Simulation: Deconstructing Roger Rabbit Narratives

Les Jamieson, Sander Hicks 2017 “9/11 and the Path to Peace”

Les Jamieson, Sander Hicks 2017 “9/11 and the Path to Peace”

Two leading NYC peace activists and 9/11 researchers, Les Jamieson and Sander Hicks, gave a talk and about the new opportunities for 9/11 justice advocacy that have emerged in this watershed year. Understanding key aspects of 9/11 research combined with these new opportunities leads to a path to peace and deep change beyond what was previously available.

911TV – George Matta 2016 Occupation of the American Minda PART 3 2800

911TV – George Matta 2016 Occupation of the American Minda PART 3 2800

For those who ever wondered why the perps thot they could get away with 911, this DVD “The Occupation of the American Mind” says it all! With the subtitle “Israel’s Public Relations War in the United States,” it gets right to the point: Hasbara. And even knowing we are Mind Controlled is not enough. We’ve got to clean out the cobwebs AND the spiders!

911TV – Lawyers Committee for 911 Inquiry 2018

911TV – Lawyers Committee for 911 Inquiry 2018

Segment 1. REAL NEWS with David Knight interview with Julio Gomez and David Meiswinkle. (28:39) Thursday 10 May 2018 Segment 2. Press Conference after filing Petition with U.S. Attorney in New York to Report Federal Crimes to Grand Jury. (20:14) Tuesday 10 April 2018 moderated by Les Jamieson Segment 3. Ed Asner introducing the Lawyer’s Committee for 9/11 Inquiry to kick off the project. (7:31) 2017

Christopher Bollyn 2017 “Who Really Did 911 – PART 2”

Who planned, executed, and covered up the worst terrorist attack in history? Christopher Bollyn explains WHO DID 9/11, their specific roles, and the underlying strategic agenda for this devastating FALSE FLAG ATTACK in two one hour parts. The government and media have misled us about 9/11 in order to compel public opinion to support the War on Terror. Why have we gone along with this ugly deception? 32 million Muslims have been murdered since 9/11, while 27 million Americans have died...

911TV – Mary Maxwell 2018 The Tsarnaev Trial Part 2

911TV – Mary Maxwell 2018 The Tsarnaev Trial Part 2

Maxwell pretends that she is Jahar Tsarnaev’s new defence attorney and she is giving her opening statement at the re-trial. In other words, this is only a dramatic performance. Yet it is based solely on facts, not speculation. Will there really be a re-trial? If two of the three judges at the First Circuit court order a retrial, it will happen. It is also within the power of that court to acquit the convicted Jahar.

Brendon O’Connell 2018 Drones World Wide

Brendon O’Connell 2018 Drones World Wide

Definition of Drone: a person who lives on the labor of others: parasitic loafer. Besides being a hum or a male bee or a RC plane. The Drones aren’t just over Israel. Drone presidents. Drone alt-media. Drone terrorist groups. Drone freedom fighters. Drone MSM. Drone everything.

911TV – Don Paul Jim Hoffman 2005 9-11 Guilt

In August, 2005 Jim Hoffman and Don Paul recorded presentations for the second convening of the Los Angeles Citizens' Grand Jury on the Crimes of September 11, 2001, in the Humanist Hall of Oakland, CA. Later they spent many hours with videographer Celestine Star adding photographs, footage, and other graphics to document their assertions. The result is 58 minutes of compelling evidence and analysis.

911TV – Tony Rooke 2105 Incontrovertible Part 1

911TV – Tony Rooke 2105 Incontrovertible Part 1

INCONTROVERTIBLE is the first and only feature length documentary which portrays the frank and candid views of Police Officers, Firefighters and Soldiers as they express their grave concerns about the official explanation for the events of 9/11. For Public TeleVision (PTV) the film has been split into two parts, each of 58:00 length. Each part is totally self-contained with the title and credits included and can be viewed without having seen the other part. PART 1 focuses on 9/11, PART 2 makes...

911TV – Richard Gage Peter Ketchum – Gathering the Truth Seekers

911TV – Richard Gage Peter Ketchum – Gathering the Truth Seekers

The 9/11 Truth Seekers Panel DC911Truth Washington, DC Monday 11 September 2017 Join Richard Gage, head of Architects and Engineers for Truth (A&E911Truth.org); Peter Ketchum, NIST whistle blower; Michael Springman, State Department whistle blower; Barry Kissin, anthrax and 28 pages expert, and Christopher Bollyn, Investigative Journalist, at the 9/11 panel in DC for the 16th anniversary of 9/11/2001.

911 TV – Hulsey Dent Asner 2016 Fire or Explosives

911 TV – Hulsey Dent Asner 2016 Fire or Explosives

World Trade Center Building 7 Evaluation is an engineering study at the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) using finite element modeling to evaluate the possible causes of World Trade Center Building 7’s collapse. The study is being conducted by Dr. J. Leroy Hulsey, Chair of UAF's Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, and two Ph.D. research assistants. Professionals from the fields of structural engineering, civil engineering, mechanical engineering, architecture, building design...

911TV – Mary Maxwell 2018 The Tsarnaev Trial Part 1

911TV – Mary Maxwell 2018 The Tsarnaev Trial Part 1

Mary W Maxwell, has a law degree, and a PhD in Politics, from the University of Adelaide, Australia. She is originally from Boston and has a Bachelor’s degree from Emmanuel College. Judge Juan Torruella at the First Circuit Court has accepted the amicus curiae brief (Friend of the Court) of Mary in the pending appeal of Dzhokhar (“Jahar”) Tsarnaev’s conviction for the Marathon bombing.

911 TV – Benjamin Fulford 2016 Battle for Planet Earth

911 TV – Benjamin Fulford 2016 Battle for Planet Earth

The White Dragon Society has put out an update by Benjamin Fulford on the current state of the secret battle for the planet earth. Consolidating years of not-so-cryptic comments into this ½ hour common sense video, Ben pulls it all together. His single planet message echos Ken O’Keefe. Besides helping us understand how the events of the last years brought us to where we are, he shows a way through and out. Well done, Ben! -- Tags: Benjamin Fulford, White Dragon Society, White Hats, US Military...

911TV – DC Emergency Truth Convergence 2005 Being the Media

Four media activists spoke at this workshop, each discussing their own area of expertise: Barrie Zwicker, Media Critic Ian Woods, Print Media hummux, Public Access Television Caroline Casey, Radio Host and Visionary Activist The DC Emergency Truth Convergence presumed that we had enough dangerous truths, damning facts, and populist media to deliver the evidence of treachery nationwide. It’s goal was to forge a strategy, join with veterans & victim families, and assist media activists in...

911TV – Davids Ray Griffin 2009 Time for a Second Look

911TV – Davids Ray Griffin 2009 Time for a Second Look

David Ray Griffin 2009 “Time for a Second Look” David Ray Griffin gave this lecture at Boston University on April 11, 2009. Dr. Griffin meticulously presents the case for a new investigation of the 9/11 attacks. Originally recorded by Pioneer Valley Media. -- Tags: David Ray Griffin, Official Conspiracy Theory, NIST Report, Barry Jennings, Moussaoui Trial, Explosions, Active Thermitic Material, Nanothermite

911TV – Dwain Deets – The Pentagon 757

This historic national 9/11 truth conference was held September 14-15, 2013 on the occasion of the twelfth anniversary of the events of September 11, 2001. This conference, which culminated a week of other 9/11 truth activities held in Washington, DC this year, is co-sponsored by DC911truth.org, Connecticut 9/11 Truth and Monterey CA 9/11 Truth.

911TV – Ken OKeefe – The Gift of 9-11

911 - A Joint False Flag Operation executed by American Traitors and Agents of the so-called Jewish State of Israel Ken asks: 1) Where are the genuine American Patriots? 2) Where are the Oath Keepers? 3) When will the arrests commence? The Gift of 9/11 is the fact that comprehending 911 made it possible for people to think for themselves. Some say this is the best 9/11 video ever made. It surely goes to the heart of who did it.

911TV – Gene Sharp – the Power and Potential of Nonviolent Struggle

911TV – Gene Sharp – the Power and Potential of Nonviolent Struggle

Gene Sharp, Senior Scholar of the Albert Einstein Institution, shares insights from his life study of how nonviolent struggle can work. For many years Gene and the Albert Einstein Institution have been mentors and catalysts for nonviolent struggle throughout the world. In this film Gene shows with example after compelling example what it takes to nurture successful nonviolent struggle. Military people trained in violence as the only way and people fighting against military violence can change...