In Mission 99 we explore phone calls to the dead with UK-based parapsychologist Cal Cooper! Cooper holds degrees from the University of Northampton and Sheffield Hallam University and he’s the author of the book, Telephone Calls from the Dead. Don’t miss three unexplained phone calls from the Lizzie Borden House, and the supernatural Vatican in the news!
30 Odd Minutes Electronic Voice Phenomenon (EVP) with Mike Markowicz Thumbnails From This Episode
In Episode 76 we tune in to the other side as we explore Electronic Voice Phenomenon (EVP) with Mike Markowicz! Markowicz is an electronics tinkerer who first got into spirit communication almost a decade ago.
Mission 100 Special
Tonight we celebrate Mission #100 by answering your questions and playing your favorite clips. Don’t miss your favorite mishaps, oddest interviews, and weirdest moments caught aboard the Mother Ship! Dr. Dreck stops by, and vampires are in the news!
30 Odd Minutes – Ghost Spirituality Dustin Pari
In Mission 81 we get spiritual aboard the Mother Ship with Dustin Pari! Dustin is a paranormal researcher who started investigating ghosts when he was a teenager. Since then he’s gone on co-author two books including his latest, “My Home is Haunted, Now What?” He’s the founder of Patch Ministries. You know him best from the hit TV series Ghost Hunters and Ghost Hunters International and tonight he’s all yours. We abducted him right off the street. Did a demonic force knock Dustin on his butt...
30 Odd Minutes – Paranormal Encounters
n Episode 78 we explore your paranormal encounters. The Oddball Crew set the Mother Ship down right into the middle of a dark and stormy night. We reach out and speak to three of our viewers about their most profound ghost experiences, plus we hear some EVP evidence and see some photographic evidence from some of Oddball Andrew Lake’s recent investigations. We also hear from one viewer who says she was scared straight by her frightening demonic encounter. Tune in for more!
30 Odd Minutes – show 63 End of the World
We explore other failed Biblical doomsdays and discuss why humanity always seems to think the end is nigh. Dr. Price is a noted author and Biblical scholar.
30 Odd Minutes – show 77 Wartime UFOs Maloney
In Episode 77 the Mother Ship hovers over Boston’s North Shore to explore Wartime UFOs with Mack Maloney! Maloney is the son of a World War Two veteran. He’s a long-time writer and researcher, and the author of over 40 books, including his latest, UFOs in Wartime: What They Didn’t Want You to Know. Has the U.S. government shot some of these craft down? Are there governments that are harboring alien spacecraft? Are these things time travelers from our own future? Tune in to find out!
30 Odd Minutes – show 64 Alien Hybrid Lamb
In Episode 64 we experience a few technical difficulties – great fun for those of you who like to watch us squirm! Then we’re joined by Barbara Lamb to discuss her work with researching alien-human hybrids. Lamb is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, and a Certified Hypnotherapist and Regression Therapist. She specializes in Regression Therapy with people who experience encounters with extraterrestrial beings.
30 odd minutes – show 42 Gettysburg Nesbitt
we talk about the Ghosts of Gettysburg with Mark Nesbitt. Gettysburg is considered one of the most haunted places in the world since the horrific battle that took place there July 1-3, 1863. No one knows the history and hauntings better than historian, paranormal investigator, and author Mark Nesbitt. Nesbitt is the author of the popular Ghosts of Gettysburg series of books, he’s owned and operated a ghost tour in town since 1994.
30 Odd Minutes – show 39 Inventor Chappell
In episode 39 we speak with Bill Chappell, an engineer in the robotics and semiconductor industries who uses microprocessors and electronics skills to solve complex problems. At the age of 47 he was asked if he could build a device to communicate with the dead. At first he thought the whole idea was amusing.
30 Odd Minutes – show 40 Tara Normal Comic
In episode 40 we visit with H.C. Noel -- a professional illustrator, cartoonist, and paranormal investigator. His character, Tara Normal investigates with the stars of TV's Ghost Hunters in a comic published in every issue of TAPS Paramagazine, the official publication of The Atlantic Paranormal Society.
30 Odd Minutes – Paranormal Round 2
In episode 38, the Oddball Crew discuss the paranormal community, our favorite legends, and we debate the pros and cons of using equipment in paranormal investigation. Does the show end in an all-out brawl? Tune in to find out! 30 Odd Minutes... if the truth is out there we will find it... but only be sheer accident.
30 Odd Minutes – Legend Tripping
In episode 37 we visit with Christopher Balzano, the founder and director of Massachusetts Paranormal Crossroads, an online collection of legends and ghost stories from the Bay State. He’s been investigating the unexplained for over 15 years.
30 Odd Minutes – show 36 Kids and the Paranormal
In episode 36 we discuss kids and the paranormal with author, researcher, and talk show host Dave Schrader! What makes Dave uniquely qualified to discuss this topic? First, he was a child once himself (which is pretty scary), plus he’s the father of seven children.
30 Odd Minutes – show 35 Old Wisconsin Werewolf
In episode 35 we explore the Wisconsin Werewolf with noted author and researcher, Linda Godfrey. From this creature’s roots in lore and legend, to medical conditions that cause people to grow hair all over their face and bodies, we explore the werewolf with a focus on the sightings that have occurred in Wisconsin over the last 80 years.
30 Odd Minutes – show 34 Odd Houghton Mansion
In Episode 34 we take a special on-location haunted tour of the Houghton Mansion in North Adams, Massachusetts, courtesy of Josh Mantello of Berkshire Paranormal, plus paranormal investigators attempt to make contact in the basement.
30 Odd Minutes – 75 – The Curse of H.H. Holmes with Jeff Mudgett
In Episode 75 we examine the curse of America’s first and most prolific serial killer, H.H. Holmes (born Herman Mudgett) with Holmes’ great great grandson, “Bloodstains” author Jeff Mudgett. We talk about how the curse has affected Jeff Mudgett’s life, plus look at the startling evidence that points to H.H. Holmes also being London’s Jack the Ripper. Is the curse real? Is Holmes’ former 'Murder Castle' still haunted? Tune in to find out!
30 Odd Minutes – Inside the Church of Satan
We go Inside the Church of Satan with Joshua P. Warren. Warren is one of the world’s leading paranormal researchers. He’s been looking into the strange and unusual since childhood, and he’s the author of more than ten books including How to Hunt Ghosts and the regional bestseller Haunted Asheville.
30 Odd Minutes – 33 – One Year Anniversary
In episode 33 we celebrate our one year anniversary! Donna Lacroix from Syfy’s Ghost Hunters and Ghost Hunters International stops by to wish us a happy birthday, and we hear from each of the Oddball crew about their favorite moment from the past year.
30 Odd Minutes – The Starchild Skull with Loyd Pye
In episode 31 we speak with Lloyd Pye, a researcher and author who studies alternative theories to human origins on earth. Back in 1999 he helped form The Starchild Project in order to research the roots of a most unusual skull discovered in Mexico in the 1930s that has a human mother, but a father who may not be of this world. Pye has since gone on to write multiple books including The Starchild Skull: Genetic Enigma or Human-Alien Hybrid?
30 Odd Minutes – 30 – On the Road with Patrick Burns and Marley Gibson
In Episode 30 we show that we don’t negotiate with terrorists! After receiving a ransom note from Patrick Burns, the paranormal investigator star of TruTV’s Haunting Evidence, and author, Marley Gibson, we raid their ghost hunting RV in search of Oddbot 3000 and an interview with the duo as they set out on their legend trip around the United States. Wanna see what their ghost-hunting RV looks like on the inside? Tune in to find out! If the truth is out there... 30 Odd Minutes fill find it......
30 Odd Minutes # 29 – Folklore and Legends with Dr. Michael Bell
In Episode 29 we talk folklore and legends with author and lecturer, Dr. Michael Bell. Michael Bell received his Ph.D. in Folklore from Indiana University, Bloomington, and has since gone on to publish many papers on the subject of oral traditions and folklore. He’s also taught folklore and anthropology at the university level.
30 Odd Minutes # 28 – Astrology with Christopher Renstrom
In episode 28 we talk astrology and ruling planets with Christopher Renstrom! Christopher Renstrom is the creator of, the web's first interactive subscription-based Astrology magazine that provides daily horoscopes, an Astrology questions and answers, as well as an historical library that reproduces American astrological periodicals from the 19th and early 20th century.
30 Odd Minutes – ‘Live’ from Lizzie Borden’s
In Episode 27 we come to you “Live” from the haunted Lizzie Borden house in Fall River, Massachusetts. Okay, not totally “live” because we filmed the episode about a week before it aired.