100 mile meal
100 Mile Meals Eps 4

100 Mile Meals Eps 4

Travel down the Southern California Coast to the mystical destination of Big Sur. Here we show you the wide variety of companies using local produce, bread, seafood, and meats. Enjoy gardening tips with our, In the Garden, segment talking about drip irrigation.

100 Mile Meals Eps. 103

100 Mile Meals Eps. 103

In this episode we travel to Santa Cruz California, and visit the Sustainable food program of UC Santa Cruz. We then travel South down highway 101 to Gilroy for the annual Gilroy Garlic Festival and show you what it takes to feed over 100 thousand people.

100 Mile Meals

Travel up & down the Central Coast of California. We visit Monterey, Santa Cruz, & Half Moon Bay. Meet local chefs, farms, & non-profits who are doing their best to make 100 Mile Meals.