Spiess- Martha
Iraq Teach In

Iraq Teach In

Peace Action Maine and USM Office of MultiCultural Student Affairs present a panel discussion on the current state of Iraq.

Asia-Pacific Pivot Panel

Asia-Pacific Pivot Panel

The Pentagon has announced a "pivot" of 60% of US military forces into the Asia-Pacific in order to "contain" China. Key in the military pivot will be Navy forces such as the destroyers built at Bath Iron Works.

David Swanson

Open forum talk with author David Swanson, and U.S. Senate candidate, Shenna Bellows on War issues along with other citizen's concerns regarding U.S. government policies.

CTPC Food Safety Public Hearing

CTPC Food Safety Public Hearing

Citizen Trade Policy Commission Public Hearing on food safety & policy as they relate to the TransPacific Partnership Agreement

The Battle for Justice in Palestine

The Battle for Justice in Palestine

On October 28th at the Shannon Room, Ali Abunimah, co-founder of 'The Electronic Infigada' and author of 'One Country' spoke on the issue of justice in Palestine.

Brunswick 2013 Peace Fair

Brunswick 2013 Peace Fair

Zoe Weil, President of the Institute for Humane Education, speaking about Educating young people to become 'solutionaries'