Richard Rhames
Out In Left Field

Out In Left Field

Guest Tom Doak talks about the use, abuse and protection of Maine's forests

Out In Left Field

Out In Left Field

Guest Ken Jones talks about the efforts to resist increased warship production at Bath Iron Works

Out In Left Field

Out In Left Field

Guest Patrick Bonsant talks about the challenges and threats faced by Public Access television stations

Out In Left Field

Out In Left Field

Guest Kevin Simowitz talks about long term healthcare for seniors

Out In Left Field

Out In Left Field

Guest Bruce Gagnon talks about his work with the Global Network Against Nuclear Power and Weapons in Space

Out In Left Field

Out In Left Field

Tom Waddell and Maureen O'Neil talk about their work with the Freedom From Religion Foundation

Out In Left Field

Out In Left Field

Guest Eben Rose talks about his proposed alternative to the CMP NECEC power line

Out In Left Field

Out In Left Field

Community Television Advocate Tony Vigue talks about the challenges facing Public Access television stations in Maine and pending legislation that would help them meet those challenges

Out In Left Field

Out In Left Field

Guests Bob Schaible and Tim Paradis of Maine Voices for Palestinian Rights talk about the ongoing conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians

Out In Left Field

Out In Left Field

Guest Richard Rudolph talks about the propose CMP power corridor project

Out In Left Field

Out In Left Field

Guest Regis Tremblay talks about the 5th anniversary of Russian President Putin's order returning Crimea to Russian control

Out In Left Field

Out In Left Field

Guest Bruce Gagnon talks about the Trump administration's plan for a Space Force

Out In Left Field

Out In Left Field

Guests Bob Schaible and Tim Paradis talk about the U.S. government policy on Israel and the Palestinians

Out In Left Field

Out In Left Field

Guest Tom Doak talks about the use, and abuse, of Maine's forests

Out In Left Field

Out In Left Field

Tom Waddell and Maureen O'Neil of the Maine chapter of the Freedom From Religion foundation discuss the separation of church and state

Out In Left Field

Out In Left Field

Tony Vigue and Patrtick Bonsant discuss proposed legislation to turn back recent actions by Maine's cable television providers