Portland Media Center

Pachios on the News – Peter Dugas – December 2022

Harold’s guest will be EN-ROADS Climate Ambassador and Citizens Climate Lobby State Coordinator, Peter Dugas. There is considerable pressure for international cooperation on climate policy. The Citizens Climate Lobby in Maine is tasked with keeping our representatives informed so they can make better choices for our State and our Country regarding climate change.

World Affairs Council – 2022 Fall Foreign Policy Forum

Four U.S. Ambassadors share insights on the major foreign policy challenges facing the United States, including the war in Ukraine, relations with China, Iran, energy security, world health, international development, rising authoritarianism, and climate change.

The Only Woman in the Room

An original play premiering in July 2022 in Damariscotta about Francis Perkins, the Secretary of Labor in FDR's administration who fought the current of her times to bring about the major policies of the New Deal that we still benefit from today. She was the first woman to hold a cabinet position and resident of Newcastle, Maine.

PMC AirWaves Newsletter – November Edition

This November promises to be a promising month, full of creative ideas and inspiring stories. PMC aims to be the hub of these creative ideas and supplies and materials and equipment necessary to make any idea a reality.

Maine League of Women Voters – Candidate Forum

Forums are a great way to meet your local candidates and hear what they have to say on the issues. The Portland Area chapter invites residents to learn about the city council candidates running for district 3.

Oceanside Annual Meeting – Sept 2022

Jeremy Miller, Research Associate at the Wells Reserve at Laudholm, gives a presentation on invasive marine species at the Oceanside Conservation Trust Annual Meeting on September 2022.

PMC AirWaves Newsletter – September Edition

September is always an exciting time for us at PMC as it marks the return of some of our heavy-hitting and most popular shows. But as summer turns to fall, we want to highlight some important projects that are reshaping PMC for the future!