There's an epidemic in Maine that's causing an average of eleven deaths a week--it's called Substance Use Disorder. Representative Charlotte Warren, House chair of the Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee, and Courtney Allen, policy director of Maine Recovery Advocacy Project, talk with host Betsy Sweet about problems in Maine in the way we deal with this medical issue and ideas for changing and improving the support we give to people suffering from the disorder.
Maine Challenge – Fixing Maines Broken Juvenile Justice System – 05-13-21
Two leaders from Maine Inside Out, Bruce King and Joseph Jackson, talk with host Betsy Sweet about changes that need to be made in the way Maine deals with young people who run afoul of the legal system. Includes footage from a Maine Inside Out event.
Maine Challenge – Tax Fairness – 04-29-21
Maine Challenge host Betsy Sweet and Sarah Austin, tax and budget policy analyst at Maine Center for Economic Policy, discuss Maine's tax code. What is fair about Maine's taxes, and what could be improved? Sarah has some specific suggestions. Along the way, they take a look at historical tax rates and the ways in which tax policy can increase a sense of community, bringing people of diverse experiences and incomes together. "Taxes are like a modern day barn-raising," explains Betsy.
Maine Challenge – Gun Law Reform – 04-22-21
Betsy Sweet welcomes her guests Cam Shannon and Nacole Palmer of the Maine Gun Safety Coalition to speak on reforming gun laws in Maine.
Maine Challenge – Ben and Jerry Want to Hold Police Accountable – 04-15-21
Host Betsy Sweet is joined by Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, founders of Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream, to talk about their work to end qualified immunity for police officers. Maine Representative Jeffrey Evangelos starts off the program describing the incident that led to his sponsorship of LD 214, An Act to End Qualified Immunity for Police Officers. Premiered April 15, 2021.
Tim Wells GPCLT Testimonial
Tim Wells speaks to the importance of the GPCLT's first affordable housing project.
Maine Challenge w Betsy Sweet- Who Owns Maine’s Water – 04-04-21
Maine Challenge w Betsy Sweet- Who Owns Maine's Water Nickie Sekera of Community Water Justice joins Maine Challenge host Betsy Sweet to discuss water rights in Maine. As a resident of Fryeburg, Nickie has seen the impact of water extraction from the local aquifer by the Swiss corporation, Nestlé, whose donations to local entities helps people overlook the fact that they are taking a life-giving resource. In fact, indigenous peoples say that "water is life." But also, "Is water the new oil?"...
Maine Challenge with Betsy Sweet- Asian Hate Crimes in Maine: It Does Happen in Maine
Hate crimes against Asians are on the rise all over the U.S., and Maine is no exception. Host Betsy Sweet talks with Chanbopha Himm and Thuy Sullivan of Maine's Unified Asian Communities about their experiences and those of their communities' members -- and about what can be done.
Maine Challenge w Betsy Sweet- Can Foreign Corporations Influence Maine Elections- Ron Fein of Free Speech for People
Betsy Sweet interview Ron Fein Can Foreign Corporations Influence Maine Elections- Ron Fein of Free Speech for People
Nuclear Ban Treaty-The World Has Spoken
50 countries signed the Nuclear Ban Treaty, except for the only 9 countries who have nuclear weapons. This PSA gives information on how to change that.
Revisiting- James Baldwin Debates William F. Buckley 1965
In 1965, James Baldwin debated William F. Buckley at the Cambridge Union Society, Cambridge University. The topic of the debate was, "The American Dream is at the expense of the American negro."
Revisiting- The Concept of Language- Noam Chomsky
Noam Chomsky speaks to linguistics that shape our cultures throughout history and today.
Transgender Day of Remembrance- Green Party Women’s Caucus- 12-03-20
The Green Party's "Women's Caucus" provides a "Day of Rememberance" for transgender people lost to violence and other tragic ways. It is also a forum for Transgender Women to speak to issues being faced throughout 2020.
Mainers Natters With RJ
Host RJ Reid speaks with Program Directors Hanna and Baba about Refugee/Immigrant Services of Maine.
Natters with RJ – October 2020
Melissa Pritchard, "Creative Director" at Masthead/Portland Press Herald talks with RJ on current issues around race relations. From back during the riots in Detroit(1967)when she was a young girl, and protests/rallies today. What is the media doing to help things happening now?
Natters with RJ – August 2020
In this show RJ Ried talks El Fadel Arbab, Sudanese refugee in Maine who is now advocate and educator on Darfur genocide in Sudan.
RJ Reid With EL Fadel Arbab
Immigrant refugee El Fadal Arbab talks with RJ about his harrowing experience escaping Darfur.
Stop LD-1781
Active Citizen's Bob Klotz and Bruce Gagnon continue to fight the Corporate Welfare bill LD-1781 which would give away upwards to $60,000,000 to General Dynamics.(The 5th leading arms builder in the world)
General Dynamics $60M Shakedown Show
Bob Klotz interviews Bruce Gagnon over the corporate welfare bill approaching vote this week benefiting Maine's largest arms builder(5th Internationally) General Dynamics.
Portland Indigenous Peoples Day – First Annual
A celebration of Portland's first Indigenous Peoples Day with a reading of the proclamation by City Councilor Pious Ali, a reading about Indigenous Peoples Day, a short film of Sherri Mitchell, a Penobscott Tribe member at the Common Ground, a panel discussion about Indigenous Peoples Day.
Green Party PSA
Maine Sky Media – 2017 Resist War Global Day of Action
Several citizen action groups come together in Portland's Monument Square to help educate the public on the atrocities of war and the monetary, physical, and spiritual costs we all pay.
Maine Climate Action Event 4-29-17
Thousands show up to The State House in Augusta to join in solidarity with the hundreds of thousands who marched in Washington DC. 1 million plus nationwide stood up in resistance against the corporate owned government's assault on our nation and planet's environment.