Knoblock- Brian
Songfest/Coffee House Open Mic 8/10

Songfest/Coffee House Open Mic 8/10

An evening of all original music from Maine singer/songwriters featuring: Dave Bullard and the Voodoo Pirates Kristina Disciullo Phil Daligan Bob McKillop The Diana Hansen Trio

Second Act – July 2010

Second Act – July 2010

This month we meet Nancy Bowker, a Quaker raised in 'The Silence,' but who has found her voice through song; Phyllis Austin, a journalist and author with a special interest in environmental issues; and Steve Sunenblick a lawyer turned abstract/expressionist artist.

Veteran’s Fishing Tournament – DO NOT AIR AFTER 7/30/10

Veteran’s Fishing Tournament – DO NOT AIR AFTER 7/30/10

Last summer Veterans were invited for a free day of fishing to thank them for their service. They gathered from all over Maine, and elsewhere, at a marina in S. Portland and had a great time - many had never been fishing before. THIS CAN AIR UNTIL 7/30/10

VJ MISSION-Boundary Issues

VJ MISSION-Boundary Issues

ARCHIVE.ORG At a recent experimental video jam, people were invited to play with sound and visuals using a customized control setup. Using a camera, dvd player, video mixer, and a Kaoss Pad, guests were able to trigger and blend sound and images using a simple touch-sensitive interface. With some rhythm and a little practice, this simple A/V instrument can be used by almost anyone. This clip features sound and images from the movie 'The Corporation', remixed through the freestyle...

PSA – Energy Star :30

PSA – Energy Star :30

Individual citizens turning to Energy Star products to help save energy and money. EXPIRES 3/1/2012

PSA – Horton Hears a Who Energy :30

PSA – Horton Hears a Who Energy :30

Characters from Dr. Seuss film Horton Hears a Who join kids across the country in explaining how energy saving helps fight global warming. EXPIRES 3/1/2010

Second Act June 2010

Second Act June 2010

This month we visit with Tai Chi Master Ken Ryan; Author Annie Robinson - who wrote a book on Peabody & Stearns, builders of seaside cottages, and Carl Bredenberg a former surgeon who talks about the challenges of retirement