Short film produced by the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation, Tree Media Group, and Global Green USA. Narrated by Leonard DiCaprio.
Default Producer
Webbs Mills Church Service
Webbs Mills Church Service
Webbs Mills Church Service
Vets Visit on TV
Vets Visit on TV
Webbs Mills Church Service
The Lar Rouche Connection – ‘One Year Later, But Still Not Too Late’
In a webcast one year ago (July 25, 2007. See The LaRouche Connection Program Nos. 699, 700, 701: “The End of the F.D.R. Era,” Parts 1-3) Lyndon LaRouche declared that the collapse of the global financial system was not “about to occur,” but was, in fact, ongoing. Now, a year later, he told a Washington, DC audience on July 22, that we are not facing a depression, but a general breakdown crisis. The question, as always, is how to get people to act, and do it now. The event, sponsored by the...