PMC broadcasts to 16 towns in the greater Portland area: Portland, South Portland, Falmouth, Cape Elizabeth, Cumberland, Scarborough, Yarmouth, Westbrook, Chebeague, North Yarmouth, Gorham, Pownal, Raymond, New Gloucester, Gray and Casco.

The original name of the PMC nonprofit was the Southern Maine Cable Consortium, but was later changed to the Community Television Network (CTN). The City of Portland gave CTN the management contract for Channel 2, the public access channel for the City of Portland, which only airs to cable subscribers who live in Portland. In 2017, we changed our name to the Portland Media Center (PMC). 

Over the years, as media technologies have been evolving, we have continuously upgraded our equipment and facilities to offer the most current media production capabilities to our community. Anyone who comes to us wishing to make media (videos and podcasts) becomes part of our community, from residents who are just beginning to produce media to those with advanced training and experience. 

PMC is live-on-air and streaming today where you can find diverse original and syndicated programming as well as Portland City Council Meetings.