Thank you, Town & Country!


PMC was one of twenty nonprofit organizations nominated to get a grant from Town & Country Credit Union as part of their Better Neighbor Fund.  Winning grants went to the eight nonprofits of the twenty who were able to have the most people vote for their nonprofit on Town & Country’s website every day during the month of October.  We put out the word in previous editions of Airwaves and you responded generously, because PMC was one of the grantees, receiving $2,000.

Town & Country created the Better Neighbor Fund in 2010. Through the Better Neighbor Fund, Town & Country makes grants available to local non-profits, charitable organizations and community groups across Southern Maine to support initiatives designed to improve the community.  Each fall, Town & Country’s Better Neighbor Fund awards a total of $25,000 to eight non-profits across Cumberland and York Counties to support good works in the community. Since 2010, Town & Country has given away $350,000 to support 128 local initiatives through the Better Neighbor Fund.

Two days before the voting ended, a total of 10,034 votes were cast for all the nominees.  That’s an average of over 500 hundred votes per nonprofit.  In order to win, it’s likely that PMC had to receive more than that.  That’s a lot of you thinking about us every day enough to remember to cast a vote for us.  Thank you, kind supporters of PMC and thank you Town & Country Credit Union for being a good neighbor and supporting PMC’s mission.