Producer Luigi Scarcelli and his team broadcast the second annual “New Year’s Eve Live” special. The event served a dual purpose, with proceeds aimed at aiding the victims and families affected by the tragic events of October in Lewiston. Through a partnership with the Maine Community Foundation, the initiative sought to extend support to those in need.
Featuring exciting performances by some of Maine’s finest live musical and comedy acts, such as 12/OC and Slane, a U2 cover band, the event was a spectacle to behold. Additionally, the collaboration with the Irish Heritage Center for their pre-show, “New Year’s Across the Pond,” allowed viewers to enjoy live-streamed performances from Slane and the center’s New Year’s celebration directly from Ireland. Portland’s segment of the New Year’s show kicked off at 8:00 PM, spotlighting music from the LA Art Center in Lewiston, building anticipation for the midnight countdown.
A major congratulations to Scarcelli and his team for another incredible, successful broadcast!