New Programs on PMC Channel 5 & Streaming!

Hello everyone out there! My name is Cindy and I have the fun and interesting job of being the station’s Program Coordinator for PMC’s Channel 5 on Spectrum cable which also plays on our website at One of the things I like about my job is that I get to find out about different shows and videos that various people and entities produce. Some I find on my own and some are sent directly to me. The focus here at PMC is on shows that our members produce and also shows that are produced in Maine and at other public access stations in our state.

One show that I have picked up is by Bill Roberge, which I have entitled Bill’s Car Show. Bill is an avid vintage car buff who travels to antique car shows in Maine and Florida and records them. If you like classic cars, please check out his many videos which will be scattered about in our programming on channel 5 Spectrum and our website. There are so many of them that I hope to swap them out every week with new episodes.

Even though a lot of our programs are Maine-based, I will sometimes pick up shows from away, especially if they are of great quality and I feel that they will be of interest to our viewers. Creature Features is one such show out of California that I have recently acquired. I have not completely decided on a set play out time so it currently airs between 9:00 & 12:00 a.m. on Saturday nights or Sunday mornings 12:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m.. It is a new and hip make-over of those old classic horror movie shows that some of you used to watch as a kid on a Saturday afternoon like Chiller Theater (My apologies if I’m showing my age here).

I hope that you will enjoy these new shows and there will be more to come in the coming months. I also hope to pick up a series of high-quality shows from the German-based company Deutsche Welle. If you have any questions relating to the programming, or just want to express your likes or dislikes, feel free to email me at I can also be reached by calling 207-553-8454. Happy viewing!