New Podcast: Luc’s 2 Cents

May 1, 2024

Immigrants Murmur at the Bottom of the Pit

Want to hear the unheard opinions of your immigrant neighbors? Luc’s 2 Cents shatters the silence, fostering open conversations about the immigrant experience in Maine and America. In this riveting intellectual forum, immigrants embark on a candid yet constructive trade of opinions with non-immigrants on sociopolitical issues that factor into the immigrant experience.

Hosted and produced by Luc Kuanzambi, an immigrant himself, this podcast is your gateway to a vibrant, nonpartisan space. Engage with diverse guest experts, delve into thought-provoking sociopolitical issues, and discover fresh perspectives that bridge the gap between immigrants and non-immigrants in your community.

Here’s what awaits you:

Unfiltered Discussions: Luc creates a safe space for immigrants to share their voices and engage in honest dialogue.

Expert Insights: Each episode features interviews with local and national specialists, offering a tapestry of perspectives.

High-Quality Production: Immerse yourself in a captivating audiovisual experience with professional-grade sound and visuals.

Luc’s 2 Cents is a passion project, self-funded through Luc’s venture Xenos Communications Consulting, LLC for the initial episodes. To ensure the podcast remains independent and a true community platform, Luc welcomes sponsorships and subscriptions that respect the power of free speech.


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Every action you take brings us closer to building a community of understanding two cents at a time. Let Luc’s 2 Cents podcast be the soundtrack to a more inclusive shared future in Maine and America!