Learn at PMC

Make Your Own TV Show– Take a Studio Workshop!

Interested in learning more about the world of production at the Portland Media Center? You’re in luck! We’re offering Studio Workshops for beginners and aspiring video producers, where we take you over the fundamentals of how to properly set up for, operate, and record professional programs at our very own broadcast studio! Learn how to operate broadcast-standard cameras and live-editing switchers, controlling the lighting environment of the set and testing audio levels on our audio board to make sure of the mics’ sound quality during a shoot. With our qualified, experienced instructors, PMC will be able to provide you with first-hand learning opportunities that can help boost you into the world of professional video production.

Our workshops consist of two full classes which last around 1.5 – 2 hours, and are each comprised of learning sections, where you’re educated on the function and purpose of the equipment, and interview sections, where you will be put in charge of filming an interview in our studio using the knowledge that you’ve gained from the course. We schedule regular Studio Workshops monthly, and we are also available by appointment to teach if needed by a group. You will also have your name credited to the various positions that you worked on during the show when we broadcast it. You will receive a Studio Certification, meaning that you will be allowed to volunteer on any projects that we’ve requested on our website, or you can work on your own production and pitch to us if you wish. We are very excited to help you learn at Portland Media Center!