A new show with an interesting twist on a game show that had its premiere almost 60 years ago is coming to PMC this month. Date Night: Ask Christina Anything…After Dark is the work of prolific executive Producers Luigi Scarcelli and David Bedell. Luigi has produced another game show called Game Night, which premiered two years ago.
Date Night is a spin off of Game Night, which will be coming back next season. On Date Night, one bachelor or bachelorette will ask questions of three potential suitors without seeing them before making the decision about their choice. They will then go on a dream date in Portland. Where it departs from the old-time dating show is that Date Night includes a segment with Christina LeBel, who has a proven track record in the relationship and intimacy realm. She will answer viewers questions about intimacy, relationships and how to keep things sizzling. Host Warren Edgar keeps the show crisp and exciting. Join the fun Friday nights at 8:30 PM on Channel 5 and find out who gets chosen and get some advice on love and relationships, as well.
Watch an Episode of Date Night